Od jakiegos czasu tworze gre w python (biblioteka pygame) link do github. Chcialem aby tekstura platformy losowala sie na poczatku kazdego poziomu dla kazdej platformy inna. Ale niestety mam problem z wylosowaniem jednej z trzech tekstur platformy platform_texture1, platform_texture2 i platform_texture3. Probowalem juz wszystkiego ale tekstura caly czas zmienia sie podczas gry.
import pygame
window_width, window_height = 1280, 720
window = pygame.display.set_caption('Gra')
window = pygame.display.set_mode((window_width, window_height),pygame.FULLSCREEN)
# Tekstury
icon = pygame.image.load('Textures/icon.ico').convert_alpha()
bgmenu = pygame.image.load('Textures/menubg.png').convert_alpha()
playbutton = pygame.image.load('Textures/playbutton.png').convert_alpha()
playbuttonselect = pygame.image.load('Textures/playbuttonselect.png').convert_alpha()
settingsbutton = pygame.image.load('Textures/settingsbutton.png').convert_alpha()
settingsbuttonselect = pygame.image.load('Textures/settingsbuttonselect.png').convert_alpha()
menubutton = pygame.image.load('Textures/menubutton.png').convert_alpha()
menubuttonselect = pygame.image.load('Textures/menubuttonselect.png').convert_alpha()
GameName = pygame.image.load('Textures/GameName.png').convert_alpha()
platform_texture = pygame.image.load('Textures/platform_texture.png').convert_alpha()
lava_texture = pygame.image.load('Textures/lava_texture.png').convert_alpha()
level = 1
pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0)
class Physic:
def __init__(self, x, y, szerokosc, wysokosc, przyspieszenie, MAX_SPEED):
self.level = level
self.x_cord = x
self.y_cord = y
self.predkosc_poziomu = 0
self.predkosc_pionu = 0
self.przyspieszenie = przyspieszenie
self.szerokosc = szerokosc
self.wysokosc = wysokosc
self.poprzednie_x = x
self.poprzednie_y = y
self.jumping = False
self.hitbox = pygame.Rect(self.x_cord, self.y_cord, self.szerokosc, self.wysokosc)
def physic_tick(self, sciany, lawy):
self.predkosc_pionu += 0.4
self.x_cord += self.predkosc_poziomu
self.y_cord += self.predkosc_pionu
self.hitbox = pygame.Rect(self.x_cord, self.y_cord, self.szerokosc, self.wysokosc)
for sciana in sciany:
if sciana.hitbox.colliderect(self.hitbox):
if self.x_cord + self.szerokosc >= sciana.x_cord + 1 > self.poprzednie_x + self.szerokosc: # z lewej
self.x_cord = self.poprzednie_x
self.predkosc_poziomu = 0
if self.x_cord <= sciana.x_cord + sciana.szerokosc - 1 < self.poprzednie_x: # z prawej
self.x_cord = self.poprzednie_x
self.predkosc_poziomu = 0
if self.y_cord + self.wysokosc >= sciana.y_cord + 1 > self.poprzednie_y + self.wysokosc: # z góry
self.y_cord = self.poprzednie_y
self.predkosc_pionu = 0
self.jumping = False
if self.y_cord >= sciana.y_cord < self.poprzednie_y: # z dołu
self.y_cord = self.poprzednie_y
self.predkosc_pionu = 0
for lawa in lawy:
if lawa.hitbox.colliderect(self.hitbox):
self.x_cord = 1
self.y_cord = 640
self.poprzednie_x = 1
self.poprzednie_y = 655
if self.y_cord > 1000:
self.x_cord = 1
self.y_cord = 655
self.poprzednie_x = 1
self.poprzednie_y = 655
if self.x_cord >= 1275:
self.level += 1
self.x_cord = 1
self.y_cord = 655
self.poprzednie_x = 1
self.poprzednie_y = 655
if self.x_cord < 0:
self.x_cord = 1
self.poprzednie_x = self.x_cord
self.poprzednie_y = self.y_cord
class Player(Physic):
def __init__(self):
self.image = pygame.image.load("Textures/postac1.png").convert_alpha()
self.Sterowanie = 'wsad'
szerokosc = self.image.get_width()
wysokosc = self.image.get_height()
super().__init__(1, 655, szerokosc, wysokosc, 0.125, 3)
def tick(self, keys, sciany, lawy):
self.physic_tick(sciany, lawy)
if keys[pygame.K_w] or keys[pygame.K_a] or keys[pygame.K_d]:
self.Sterowanie = 0
if keys[pygame.K_UP] or keys[pygame.K_LEFT] or keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
self.Sterowanie = 1
if self.Sterowanie == 0:
if keys[pygame.K_a] and self.predkosc_poziomu > self.MAX_SPEED * -1:
self.image = pygame.image.load("Textures/postac2.png").convert_alpha()
self.predkosc_poziomu -= self.przyspieszenie
if keys[pygame.K_d] and self.predkosc_poziomu < self.MAX_SPEED:
self.image = pygame.image.load("Textures/postac1.png").convert_alpha()
self.predkosc_poziomu += self.przyspieszenie
if keys[pygame.K_w] and self.jumping is False:
self.predkosc_pionu -= 10
self.jumping = True
if not (keys[pygame.K_d] or keys[pygame.K_a]):
if self.predkosc_poziomu > 0:
self.predkosc_poziomu -= self.przyspieszenie
elif self.predkosc_poziomu < 0:
self.predkosc_poziomu += self.przyspieszenie
if self.Sterowanie == 1:
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT] and self.predkosc_poziomu > self.MAX_SPEED * -1:
self.image = pygame.image.load("Textures/postac2.png").convert_alpha()
self.predkosc_poziomu -= self.przyspieszenie
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] and self.predkosc_poziomu < self.MAX_SPEED:
self.image = pygame.image.load("Textures/postac1.png").convert_alpha()
self.predkosc_poziomu += self.przyspieszenie
if keys[pygame.K_UP] and self.jumping is False:
self.predkosc_pionu -= 10
self.jumping = True
if not (keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] or keys[pygame.K_LEFT]):
if self.predkosc_poziomu > 0:
self.predkosc_poziomu -= self.przyspieszenie
elif self.predkosc_poziomu < 0:
self.predkosc_poziomu += self.przyspieszenie
def draw(self):
window.blit(self.image, (self.x_cord, self.y_cord))
class Sciana:
def __init__(self, x, y, szerokosc, wysokosc):
self.x_cord = x
self.y_cord = y
self.szerokosc = szerokosc
self.wysokosc = wysokosc
self.hitbox = pygame.Rect(self.x_cord, self.y_cord, self.szerokosc, self.wysokosc)
def draw(self, win):
for x in range(self.x_cord, self.x_cord + self.szerokosc, 25):
for y in range(self.y_cord, self.y_cord + self.wysokosc, 25):
win.blit(platform_texture, (x, y))
class Lawa:
def __init__(self, x, y, szerokosc, wysokosc):
self.x_cord = x
self.y_cord = y
self.szerokosc = szerokosc
self.wysokosc = wysokosc
self.hitbox = pygame.Rect(self.x_cord, self.y_cord, self.szerokosc, self.wysokosc)
def draw(self, win):
for x in range(self.x_cord, self.x_cord + self.szerokosc, 50):
for y in range(self.y_cord, self.y_cord + self.wysokosc, 50):
win.blit(lava_texture, (x, y))
def main():
gamestart = False
run = True
player = Player()
clock = 0
czcionka = pygame.font.SysFont('Death Spirit', 40)
background = pygame.image.load("Textures/Tlo.png").convert_alpha()
sciany = [
Sciana(0, 695, 620, 25),
Sciana(600, 620, 25, 100),
Sciana(800, 695, 620, 25),
lawy = [
Lawa(270, 695, 70, 25),
while run:
leveltext = czcionka.render(' Level: ' + (str(player.level)), False, (255, 255, 255))
clock += pygame.time.Clock().tick(130) * 100
window.blit(background, (0, 0))
window.blit(leveltext, (0, 0))
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
mouseposx = pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0]
mouseposy = pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1]
if gamestart == False:
window.blit(bgmenu, (0, 0))
window.blit(GameName, (240, 25))
if mouseposx >= 530 and mouseposx <= 730 and mouseposy >= 270 and mouseposy <= 370:
window.blit(playbuttonselect, (530, 265))
if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
gamestart = True
player.x_cord = 1
player.y_cord = 655
window.blit(playbutton, (530, 265))
if mouseposx >= 530 and mouseposx <= 730 and mouseposy >= 475 and mouseposy <= 675:
window.blit(settingsbuttonselect, (530, 475))
if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
window.blit(settingsbutton, (530, 475))
if gamestart == True:
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
player.tick(keys, sciany, lawy)
for sciana in sciany:
for lawa in lawy:
if mouseposx >= 1200 and mouseposx <= 1280 and mouseposy >= 0 and mouseposy <= 70:
window.blit(menubuttonselect, (1200, 5))
if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
gamestart = False
window.blit(menubutton, (1200, 5))
# poziomy:
if player.level == 2:
sciany = [
Sciana(0, 695, 620, 25),
Sciana(50, 490, 25, 100),
Sciana(600, 600, 25, 200),
Sciana(50, 570, 470, 25),
Sciana(200, 410, 470, 25),
Sciana(800, 410, 670, 25),
lawy = [
Lawa(625, 695, 800, 25),
if player.level == 3:
sciany = [
Sciana(0, 695, 620, 25),
Sciana(0, 420, 870, 25),
Sciana(0, 320, 270, 25),
Sciana(270, 220, 1270, 25),
Sciana(600, 620, 25, 100),
Sciana(750, 620, 25, 100),
Sciana(900, 620, 25, 100),
Sciana(1050, 620, 320, 25),
Sciana(1255, 245, 25, 375),
Sciana(1150, 520, 220, 25),
Sciana(1000, 420, 150, 25),
lawy = [
if player.level == 4:
sciany = [
Sciana(0, 695, 620, 25),
Sciana(600, 620, 25, 100),
Sciana(800, 220, 25, 500),
Sciana(0, 520, 500, 25),
Sciana(400, 410, 200, 25),
Sciana(0, 445, 25, 75),
Sciana(0, 300, 500, 25),
Sciana(400, 200, 425, 25),
Sciana(950, 195, 25, 525),
Sciana(1100, 195, 25, 525),
Sciana(1100, 195, 500, 25),
Sciana(600, 205, 25, 230),
lawy = [
Lawa(625, 695, 175, 25),
Lawa(825, 695, 125, 25),
Lawa(975, 695, 125, 25),
if player.level == 5:
sciany = [
Sciana(0, 700, 225, 25),
Sciana(225, 625, 25, 100),
Sciana(0, 575, 125, 25),
Sciana(0, 500, 25, 100),
Sciana(100, 400, 25, 75),
Sciana(100, 400, 75, 25),
Sciana(250, 475, 75, 25),
Sciana(300, 425, 25, 75),
Sciana(400, 350, 25, 75),
Sciana(400, 350, 75, 25),
Sciana(550, 350, 75, 25),
Sciana(700, 350, 75, 25),
Sciana(750, 300, 25, 75),
Sciana(775, 700, 125, 25),
Sciana(875, 625, 25, 125),
Sciana(1025, 625, 150, 25),
Sciana(1150, 550, 25, 100),
Sciana(1150, 550, 150, 25),
lawy = []