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Dodawanie do listy w liście

Object Storage Arubacloud
+1 głos
439 wizyt
pytanie zadane 4 marca 2021 w C i C++ przez kaminie318 Bywalec (2,070 p.)

Cześć. Piszę pewien program(coś ala footbal manager) i mam mały problem. Dlaczego nie działa mi dodawanie klubów do poszczególnych lig i jak wyświetlać i usuwać kluby tylko z określonych lig? Zaznaczyłem te problematyczne fragmenty strzałkami.

class Team
	string nameOfTeam;
	string stadionName;
	int budget = 0;
	vector <Player> players;
	vector <SportFacility> sportsObjects;

class ListOfTeams
	vector<Team> teams;
	Team team;

	void addTeamToTheLeague()
		cout << "Club name: "; getline(cin >> ws, team.nameOfTeam);
		cout << "Stadium name: "; getline(cin >> ws, team.stadionName);
		cout << "Budget of the club: "; cin >> team.budget;
		cout << "d";

	void showTeam()
		cout << "Club name: "; cout << team.nameOfTeam << endl;
		cout << "Stadium name: "; cout << team.stadionName << endl;
		cout << "Budget of the club: "; cout << team.budget << endl << endl;

	void deleteTeamFromTheLeague()
		int choice;
		cout << "What club would you like to delete? (Give a number): "; cin >> choice;
		if (static_cast<size_t>(choice - 1) >= teams.size() || choice - 1 < 0)
			cout << "There is no team with that number :( you're going to the menu..." << endl << endl;
		teams.erase(teams.begin() + (choice - 2));
		cout << "Succesfull removed team!" << endl;


class League
	string nameOfLeague;

	friend class ListOfLeagues;

class ListOfLeagues
	vector<ListOfTeams> clubs;
	League object;
	ListOfTeams listOfClubs;
	int numberOfTheLeague = 1;
	int numberOfTheClub = 1;

	void addLeague()
		cout << "League name: "; getline(cin >> ws, object.nameOfLeague);

	void showAllLeagues()
		if (leagues.empty() == true)
			cout << "The list of leagues is empty! You are going to menu..." << endl << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(leagues.size()); i++)
			cout <<numberOfTheLeague++<<". " << leagues[i].nameOfLeague << endl;
		numberOfTheLeague = 1;

	void removeLeague()
		cout << "Give the number of the league that you want to remove" << endl;
		int choice; cin >> choice;
		//if(leagues.empty()== true || leagues.at(choice-1))
		if (static_cast<size_t>(choice - 1) >= leagues.size() || choice - 1 < 0)		
			cout << "There is no league with that number :( you're going to the menu..." << endl << endl;
		leagues.erase(leagues.begin()+(choice - 2));
		cout << "Succesfull removed league!" << endl;

	void addClubsToTheLeague()
		int choice;
		cout << "Where would you like to put the team?(Give the number of the league) ";	cin >> choice;
		if (static_cast<size_t>(choice - 1) >= leagues.size() || choice - 1 < 0)		
			cout << "There is no league with that number :( you're going to the menu..." << endl;
		auto it = clubs.insert(clubs.begin() + (choice - 1), listOfClubs);	//<- tu widzę problem, dlaczego nie dodaje zespołu do okreslonej ligi?

	void showLeagueTeams()		// <- jak tu pokazywać zespoły tylko z określonej ligii? 
		if (clubs.empty() == true)
			cout << "The list of this league teams is empty! You are going to menu..." << endl << endl;
		for (vector<ListOfTeams>::iterator it = clubs.begin();it !=clubs.end();it++)
			cout << "Club number: " << numberOfTheClub++ << endl;
		numberOfTheClub = 1;

	void deleteLeagueTeam()
		int choice;
		cout << "What league would you like to put that team?(Give the number of the league): ";	cin >> choice;
		if (static_cast<size_t>(choice - 1) >= leagues.size() || choice - 1 < 0)		//tu rzuce wyjątkami
			cout << "There is no league with that number :( you're going to the menu..." << endl;
		clubs.erase(clubs.begin() + (choice - 1));

int main()
	string name, surrname;
	int choice;
	ListOfLeagues list;
	cout << "What's your name: "; cin >> name;
	cout << "What's your surrname: "; cin >> surrname; cout << endl;
		help(name, surrname);
		cout << "Choice: "; cin >> choice;
		switch (choice)
		case 1:
		case 2:
		case 3:		
		case 4:		
		case 5:		
		case 6:		
	} while (choice != 10);


komentarz 4 marca 2021 przez VBService Ekspert (254,480 p.)

Może to będzie pomocne, szczególnie ostatni przykład.  smiley

4 unikalne sposoby na problemy ze zwracaniem wartości w C++

komentarz 4 marca 2021 przez kaminie318 Bywalec (2,070 p.)
Szczerze nie za bardzo rozumiem co ma dać mi ten optional. Nie mogę jakoś przerobić tego kodu i dodawać obiekty(kluby piłkarskie) do obiektów (ligi)? Np. żeby po indeksach tego ligowego wektora nadrzędnego dodawać te kluby .
komentarz 5 marca 2021 przez j23 Mędrzec (194,920 p.)


class ListOfLeagues
    League object;
    /* ... */

    void addLeague()
        cout << "League name: "; getline(cin >> ws, object.nameOfLeague);
    /* ... */

Dlaczego object jest polem klasy, a nie zmienną lokalną metody addLeague? (listOfClubs też?)

Nie widzę sensu zaprzyjaźniania ListOfLeagues z League.

1 odpowiedź

+1 głos
odpowiedź 5 marca 2021 przez TOM_CPP Pasjonat (22,640 p.)

Zobacz jak można to uprościć na poniższym przykładzie:

#include <iostream>
#include <list>

using namespace std;

struct Team
    string teamName;
    string stadionName;
    int budget {0};

class ListOfTeams

    list<Team> teams;


    template< typename T >
    friend ListOfTeams& operator<<( ListOfTeams& listOfTeams , T&& team )
        return listOfTeams;

    friend ostream& operator<<( ostream& out , const ListOfTeams& listOfTeams )
        for( const auto& team : listOfTeams.teams )
            out << "Club name: " << team.teamName << endl;
            out << "Stadium name: " << team.stadionName << endl;
            out << "Budget of the club: " << team.budget << endl << endl;
        return out;

    bool remove( const string& name )
        for( auto it {begin(teams)} ; it != end(teams) ; ++it )
            if( it->teamName == name )
                return true;
        return false;

int main()
    ListOfTeams teamsList;
    cout << ( teamsList << Team{ "AcMonaco","StadionBlue",100000 } << Team{ "InterClub","StadionGreen",500000 } );

    Team team { "Real","StadionRed",700000 };
    teamsList << team;
    cout << "After changes \n\n" << teamsList;


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