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Jak naprawić błąd : qualified-id in declaration before '(' token w C++ (obiektowo)?

VPS Starter Arubacloud
0 głosów
1,623 wizyt
pytanie zadane 20 października 2019 w C i C++ przez Hyziu Nowicjusz (160 p.)

Cześć, piszę quiz w obiektowym C++ i trapią mnie dwa błędy (linie zaznaczone w kodzie), główkuję i nie mam pomysłu, co może działać źle. Pomożecie? Pliki załączam poniżej. Błędy występują w pliku Table_Of_Contents.cpp.

#include <iostream>
#include "Table_Of_Contents.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
    Question itself[5]; // Class's array.

    int sum = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
        itself[i].numberQ = i + 1;
        sum += itself[i].points;

    cout << "This is already the end! You scored " << sum << " points.";

    return 0;
// Table_Of_Contents.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h> // The .h ending tells us that this library consists of useful functions and classes,
#include "Table_Of_Contents.h" // This line includes Table_Of_Contents.h file and expands stuff declared in it.

using namespace std;

void Question::load() // This sends compiler to the right class. It needs a guide, always.
    fstream file;


    if(file.good() == false)
        cout << "I am unable to read this file.";

    int line_as_int = (numberQ - 1) * 6 + 1; // This represent number of a line.
    int current_number = 1; // That is number of a current line.
    string line_as_string; // A variable representing the line itself.

    // Loop below is useful for expanding number of questions.

    while(getline(file,line_as_string)) // This loop reads needed lines from the file.
        if(current_number == line_as_int) content = line_as_string;
        if(current_number == line_as_int + 1) a = line_as_string;
        if(current_number == line_as_int + 2) b = line_as_string;
        if(current_number == line_as_int + 3) c = line_as_string;
        if(current_number == line_as_int + 4) d = line_as_string;
        if(current_number == line_as_int + 5) rightAnswer = line_as_string;


 void Question::ask_question() // Error: qualified-id in declaration before '(' token.
     cout << content << endl;
     cout << a << endl;
     cout << b << endl;
     cout << c << endl;
     cout << d << endl;
     cout << endl;
     cout << "Your answer is... "; cin >> answer;

 void Question::check_answer() // Error: qualified-id in declaration before '(' token.
     if (answer == right_answer)
        points = 1;

        points = 0;

 } // Error: expected '}' at end of input.
// Table_Of_Contens.h

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Question

    string content;
    string a, b, c, d;
    int numberQ;
    string rightAnswer;
    string answer;
    int points;

    // int points = 0;
    // Such operation is invalid when it comes to the .h file, it pops up an error.

    void load(); // This method will load information such as content and answers from the text file.
                 // This function's body is located in .cpp file.

    void ask_question();
    void check_answer();


// This file is just a table of stuff in .cpp file, but its existence makes it easier to look at the application.
// Here there are only headers.


1 odpowiedź

0 głosów
odpowiedź 20 października 2019 przez tkz Nałogowiec (42,020 p.)
void Question::check_answer() // Error: qualified-id in declaration before '(' token.
     if (answer == right_answer)
        points = 1;
        points = 0;
 } //za duzo o jeden
 } // Error: expected '}' at end of input.


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