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Wczytywanie liczby z pliku c++

Object Storage Arubacloud
0 głosów
258 wizyt
pytanie zadane 26 lutego 2019 w C i C++ przez MrChick888 Obywatel (1,020 p.)
edycja 26 lutego 2019 przez MrChick888

dlaczego w 216 linijce dane nie są pobierane getline() dla stringa działa ale dla int już nie? Jak pobrać int'y z pliku?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

void main_menu(int& main_menu_navigator);
void menu_option1(string& player_name, int& credits, int& color, int& credits_played, int& random_number, fstream& save, string& game_name);
void conditions_color_option1(string player_name, int& variable);
void conditions_credits_option1(string player_name, int credits, int& credits_played);
void draw_option1(int& random_number);
void conditions_result_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int color, int random_number, fstream& save, string& game_name);
void win_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int multiplier);
void lose_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, string correct_color);
void p_c();
void save_option1(fstream& save, string& game_name, string player_name, int credits);
void menu_option2(fstream& save, string Save[], string Nick[],int Credits[], int &selected_save, string& player_name, int& credits);

int main()
	int main_menu_navigator, credits, color, credits_played = 0, random_number, selected_save;
	string player_name, game_name;
	fstream save;
	string Save[3], Nick[3];
	int Credits[3];
	while (1)
		switch (main_menu_navigator)
		case 1:
			menu_option1(player_name, credits, color, credits_played, random_number, save, game_name);
		case 2:
			menu_option2(save, Save, Nick, Credits, selected_save, player_name, credits);
		case 3:
		default: break;

void main_menu(int& main_menu_navigator)
	cout << "ROULETTE GAME" << endl;
	cout << "=============" << endl;
	cout << "<<MAIN MENU>>" << endl;
	cout << "=============" << endl;
	cout << "1.Start a new game." << endl;
	cout << "2.Coutinue the game." << endl;
	cout << "3.Rule section." << endl;
	cout << "4.END." << endl;
	cout << "Enter: ";
	if (!(cin >> main_menu_navigator))
		cout << "You can't enter anything other than a number here! " << endl;
		cout << "Restart program and try again." << endl;
void menu_option1(string& player_name, int& credits, int& color, int& credits_played, int& random_number, fstream& save, string& game_name)
	credits = 50;
	cout << "WELCOME IN C++ CASINO." << endl;
	cout << "Enter your name: ";
	cin >> player_name;
	cout << "Good luck and have fun " << player_name << "." << endl;
	cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
	cout << "Let's start the game!" << endl;
	cout << player_name << " choose color : " << endl;
	cout << "1.RED" << endl;
	cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
	cout << "3.BLACK" << endl;
	conditions_color_option1(player_name, color);
	while (color < 1 || color>3)
		cout << "This option dosn't exits!" << endl;
		cout << player_name << " choose color : " << endl;
		cout << "1.RED" << endl;
		cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
		cout << "3.BLUE" << endl;
		conditions_color_option1(player_name, color);
	cout << "How many credits do you want to play? ";
	conditions_color_option1(player_name, credits_played);
	conditions_credits_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played);
	conditions_result_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, color, random_number, save, game_name);
void conditions_color_option1(string player_name, int& variable)
	if (!(cin >> variable))
		cout << player_name << " you can't enter anything other than a number here! " << endl;
		cout << "Restart program and try again." << endl;
void conditions_credits_option1(string player_name, int credits, int& credits_played)
	while (credits < credits_played || credits_played <= 0)//można lepiej na dwa przypadki
		cout << player_name << " you have only " << credits << " credits! You can't play for " << credits_played << "!" << endl;
		cout << "How many credits do you want to play? " << endl;
		conditions_color_option1(player_name, credits_played);
void draw_option1(int& random_number)
	cout << "The drawing machine begins the countdown." << endl;
	for (int i = 5; i > -2; i--)
		Sleep(500);//1000 to 1 sekunda
		cout << i;
	random_number = rand() % 99 + 1;
void conditions_result_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int color, int random_number, fstream& save, string& game_name)
	if (random_number >= 1 && random_number <= 48)
		if (color == 1)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 2);
		else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Red");
		save_option1(save, game_name, player_name, credits);
	if (random_number >= 49 && random_number <= 51)
		if (color == 2)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 14);
		else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Green");
		save_option1(save, game_name, player_name, credits);
	if (random_number >= 52 && random_number <= 99)
		if (color == 3)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 2);
		else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Black");
		save_option1(save, game_name, player_name, credits);
void win_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int multiplier)
	cout << "YOU WON!, Well played " << player_name << "." << endl;
	cout << "You won " << credits_played * multiplier << "." << endl;
	credits += (credits_played * multiplier) - credits_played;
	cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
void lose_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, string correct_color)
	cout << "YOU LOST! Correct color is " << correct_color << " . You must try one more time " << player_name << "." << endl;
	credits -= credits_played;
	cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
	if (credits == 0)
		cout << "You lose this game :(" << endl;
void p_c()
void save_option1(fstream& save, string& game_name, string player_name, int credits)
	save.open("save.txt", ios::in | ios::out | ios::app);
	if (save.good() == true)
		cout << "Save you game. Enter game name: ";
		cin >> game_name;
		save << game_name << endl << player_name << endl << credits << endl;
		cout << "Program can't find save file :(";
void menu_option2(fstream& save, string Save[], string Nick[], int Credits[], int& selected_save, string& player_name, int& credits)
	cout << "WELCOME IN C++ CASINO AGAIN!" << endl;
	cout << "Your save's: " << endl;
	save.open("save.txt", ios::in);
	if (save.good() == true)
		int i = 0;
		while (!save.eof())
			getline(save, Save[i]);
			cout << "[" << i + 1 << "]" << Save[i] << endl;
			getline(save, Nick[i]);
			getline(save, Credits[i]);
	cout << "Select which save do you want to play: ";
	cin >> selected_save;
	cout << "Good luck and have fun " << Nick[selected_save - 1] << "." << endl;
	cout << "Your credits: " << Credits[selected_save - 1] << endl;
	cout << "Let's start the game!" << endl;
	cout << Nick[selected_save - 1] << " choose color : " << endl;
	cout << "1.RED" << endl;
	cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
	cout << "3.BLACK" << endl;


2 odpowiedzi

+1 głos
odpowiedź 26 lutego 2019 przez j23 Mędrzec (194,920 p.)
wybrane 26 lutego 2019 przez MrChick888
void menu_option2(	std::string Save[], 
					std::string Nick[], 
					int Credits[], 
					int& selected_save, 
					std::string& player_name, 
					int& credits)
	cout << "WELCOME IN C++ CASINO AGAIN!\n";
	cout << "Your save's: \n";

	std::ifstream is("save.txt");
	int i = 0;

	while(	i < 3 &&
			std::getline(is >> std::ws, Save[i]) &&
			std::getline(is, Nick[i]) &&
			is >> Credits[i])
		cout << "[" << i + 1 << "]" << Save[i] << '\n';

	/* ... */

Poczytaj sobie o strukturach/klasach i klasie std::vector.


W C++ tak się nie wychodzi z programu. Użyj wyjątków.

komentarz 26 lutego 2019 przez MrChick888 Obywatel (1,020 p.)

A wiecie może jak z pliku save który wygląda tak 


i tak gdzie są liczy chce usunąć tą linie i zapisać inną liczbę(punktów) nie naruszając reszty. Da się coś takiego zrobić?

tutaj całość kodu

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

void main_menu(int& main_menu_navigator);
void menu_option1(string& player_name, int& credits, int& color, int& credits_played, int& random_number, fstream& save, string& game_name);
void conditions_color_option(string player_name, int& variable);
void conditions_credits_option(string player_name, int credits, int& credits_played);
void draw_option(int& random_number);
void conditions_result_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int color, int random_number, fstream& save, string& game_name);
void win_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int multiplier);
void lose_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, string correct_color);
void p_c();
void save_option1(fstream& save, string& game_name, string player_name, int credits);
void reading_from_a_file(string Save[], string Nick[], int Credits[], int &selected_save, string& player_name, int& credits);
void menu_option2(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int color, int random_number);
void conditions_result_option2(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int color, int random_number);
void save_option2(fstream& save, string& game_name, string player_name, int credits);

int main()
	int main_menu_navigator, credits, color, credits_played = 0, random_number, selected_save;
	string player_name, game_name;
	fstream save;
	string Save[10], Nick[10];
	int Credits[10];
	while (1)
		switch (main_menu_navigator)
		case 1:
			menu_option1(player_name, credits, color, credits_played, random_number, save, game_name);
		case 2:
			reading_from_a_file(Save, Nick, Credits, selected_save, player_name, credits);
			menu_option2(player_name, credits, credits_played, color, random_number);
		case 3:
		default: break;

void main_menu(int& main_menu_navigator)
	cout << "ROULETTE GAME" << endl;
	cout << "=============" << endl;
	cout << "<<MAIN MENU>>" << endl;
	cout << "=============" << endl;
	cout << "1.Start a new game." << endl;
	cout << "2.Coutinue the game." << endl;
	cout << "3.Rule section." << endl;
	cout << "4.END." << endl;
	cout << "Enter: ";
	if (!(cin >> main_menu_navigator))
		cout << "You can't enter anything other than a number here! " << endl;
		cout << "Restart program and try again." << endl;
void menu_option1(string& player_name, int& credits, int& color, int& credits_played, int& random_number, fstream& save, string& game_name)
	credits = 50;
	cout << "WELCOME IN C++ CASINO." << endl;
	cout << "Enter your name: ";
	cin >> player_name;
	cout << "Good luck and have fun " << player_name << "." << endl;
	cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
	cout << "Let's start the game!" << endl;
	cout << player_name << " choose color : " << endl;
	cout << "1.RED" << endl;
	cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
	cout << "3.BLACK" << endl;
	conditions_color_option(player_name, color);
	while (color < 1 || color>3)
		cout << "This option dosn't exits!" << endl;
		cout << player_name << " choose color : " << endl;
		cout << "1.RED" << endl;
		cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
		cout << "3.BLUE" << endl;
		conditions_color_option(player_name, color);
	cout << "How many credits do you want to play? ";
	conditions_color_option(player_name, credits_played);
	conditions_credits_option(player_name, credits, credits_played);
	conditions_result_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, color, random_number, save, game_name);
void conditions_color_option(string player_name, int& variable)
	if (!(cin >> variable))
		cout << player_name << " you can't enter anything other than a number here! " << endl;
		cout << "Restart program and try again." << endl;
void conditions_credits_option(string player_name, int credits, int& credits_played)
	while (credits < credits_played || credits_played <= 0)//można lepiej na dwa przypadki
		cout << player_name << " you have only " << credits << " credits! You can't play for " << credits_played << "!" << endl;
		cout << "How many credits do you want to play? " << endl;
		conditions_color_option(player_name, credits_played);
void draw_option(int& random_number)
	cout << "The drawing machine begins the countdown." << endl;
	for (int i = 5; i > -2; i--)
		Sleep(500);//1000 to 1 sekunda
		cout << i;
	random_number = rand() % 99 + 1;
void conditions_result_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int color, int random_number, fstream& save, string& game_name)
	if (random_number >= 1 && random_number <= 48)
		if (color == 1)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 2);
		else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Red");
		save_option1(save, game_name, player_name, credits);
	if (random_number >= 49 && random_number <= 51)
		if (color == 2)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 14);
		else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Green");
		save_option1(save, game_name, player_name, credits);
	if (random_number >= 52 && random_number <= 99)
		if (color == 3)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 2);
		else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Black");
		save_option1(save, game_name, player_name, credits);
void win_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int multiplier)
	cout << "YOU WON!, Well played " << player_name << "." << endl;
	cout << "You won " << credits_played * multiplier << "." << endl;
	credits += (credits_played * multiplier) - credits_played;
	cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
void lose_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, string correct_color)
	cout << "YOU LOST! Correct color is " << correct_color << " . You must try one more time " << player_name << "." << endl;
	credits -= credits_played;
	cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
	if (credits == 0)
		cout << "You lose this game :(" << endl;
void p_c()
void save_option1(fstream& save, string& game_name, string player_name, int credits)
	save.open("save.txt", ios::in | ios::out | ios::app);
	if (save.good() == true)
		cout << "Save you game. Enter game name: ";
		cin >> game_name;
		save << game_name << endl << player_name << endl << credits << endl;
		cout << "Program can't find save file :(";
void reading_from_a_file(string Save[], string Nick[], int Credits[], int& selected_save, string& player_name, int& credits)
	cout << "WELCOME IN C++ CASINO AGAIN!" << endl;
	cout << "Your save's: " << endl;
	std::ifstream save("save.txt");
	int i = 0;
	while (getline(save >> ws, Save[i]) && getline(save, Nick[i]) && save >> Credits[i] && i < 3)
		cout << "[" << i + 1 << "]" << Save[i] << endl;
	cout << "Select which save do you want to play: ";
	cin >> selected_save;

	player_name = Nick[selected_save - 1];
	credits = Credits[selected_save - 1];
void menu_option2(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int color, int random_number)
	cout << "Good luck and have fun " << player_name << "." << endl;
	cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
	cout << "Let's start the game!" << endl;
	cout << player_name << " choose color : " << endl;
	cout << "1.RED" << endl;
	cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
	cout << "3.BLACK" << endl;
	conditions_color_option(player_name, color);
	while (color < 1 || color>3)
		cout << "This option dosn't exits!" << endl;
		cout << player_name << " choose color : " << endl;
		cout << "1.RED" << endl;
		cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
		cout << "3.BLUE" << endl;
		conditions_color_option(player_name, color);
	cout << "How many credits do you want to play? ";
	conditions_color_option(player_name, credits_played);
	conditions_credits_option(player_name, credits, credits_played);
	conditions_result_option2(player_name, credits, credits_played, color, random_number);
void conditions_result_option2(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int color, int random_number)
	if (random_number >= 1 && random_number <= 48)
		if (color == 1)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 2);
		else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Red");
		//save_option2(save, game_name, player_name, credits);
	if (random_number >= 49 && random_number <= 51)
		if (color == 2)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 14);
		else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Green");
		//save_option2(save, game_name, player_name, credits);
	if (random_number >= 52 && random_number <= 99)
		if (color == 3)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 2);
		else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Black");
		//save_option2(save, game_name, player_name, credits);
void save_option2(fstream& save, string game_name, string player_name, int credits)
	save.open("save.txt", ios::in | ios::out | ios::app);
	if (save.good() == true)
		cout << player_name << " you are saving game on save -  " << game_name << "." << endl;
		//usunąc i napisać nową lnie
		cout << "Program can't find save file :(";


0 głosów
odpowiedź 26 lutego 2019 przez gagyn Stary wyjadacz (11,050 p.)
getline() pobiera zawsze linijkę z pliku jako ciąg znaków, czyli funkcja getline zawsze zwraca string.

Możesz pobrać linie za pomocą getline do zmiennej string, a następnie przekonwertować na int. np. funkcją stoi()


Możesz pobrać linie za pomocą strumieni (>>) od razu do zmiennej int.
komentarz 26 lutego 2019 przez MrChick888 Obywatel (1,020 p.)
void menu_option2(fstream& save, string Save[], string Nick[], string Credits[], int& selected_save, string& player_name, int& credits)
	cout << "WELCOME IN C++ CASINO AGAIN!" << endl;
	cout << "Your save's: " << endl;
	save.open("save.txt", ios::in);
	if (save.good() == true)
		int i = 0;
		while (!save.eof())
			getline(save, Save[i]);
			cout << "[" << i + 1 << "]" << Save[i] << endl;
			getline(save, Nick[i]);
			getline(save, Credits[i]);
	player_name = Nick[selected_save - 1];
	istringstream iss(Credits[selected_save - 1]);
	iss >> credits;
	cout << "Select which save do you want to play: ";
	cin >> selected_save;
	cout << "Good luck and have fun " << player_name << "." << endl;
	cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
	cout << "Let's start the game!" << endl;
	cout << player_name << " choose color : " << endl;
	cout << "1.RED" << endl;
	cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
	cout << "3.BLACK" << endl;

To powinno zadziałać chyba,a nie działa błąd taki wyskakuje

bool _Large_string_engaged() const
		{	// returns whether the large string mode (allocated memory) is engaged
		return (_BUF_SIZE <= _Myres);


komentarz 26 lutego 2019 przez gagyn Stary wyjadacz (11,050 p.)
To nic mi nie mówi, pokaż jaki error pokazuje kompilator.
komentarz 26 lutego 2019 przez MrChick888 Obywatel (1,020 p.)

kompilator się minimaluzje w tym momencie i wyświetla to

komentarz 26 lutego 2019 przez MrChick888 Obywatel (1,020 p.)
a może inaczej jak to zrobić tym sposobem "Możesz pobrać linie za pomocą strumieni (>>) od razu do zmiennej int."
komentarz 26 lutego 2019 przez gagyn Stary wyjadacz (11,050 p.)

Niestety nie widać na tym screenie, interesuje mnie treść tego komunikatu.


getline(save, Credits[i]);

możesz zrobić

save >> Credits[i];


komentarz 26 lutego 2019 przez MrChick888 Obywatel (1,020 p.)

Teretycznie tak:

void menu_option2(fstream& save, string Save[], string Nick[], int Credits[], int& selected_save, string& player_name, int& credits)
	cout << "WELCOME IN C++ CASINO AGAIN!" << endl;
	cout << "Your save's: " << endl;
	save.open("save.txt", ios::in);
	if (save.good() == true)
		int i = 0;
		while (!save.eof())
			getline(save, Save[i]);
			cout << "[" << i + 1 << "]" << Save[i] << endl;
			getline(save, Nick[i]);
			save << Credits[i];
	player_name = Nick[selected_save - 1];
	credits=Credits[selected_save - 1];
	cout << "Select which save do you want to play: ";
	cin >> selected_save;
	cout << "Good luck and have fun " << player_name << "." << endl;
	cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
	cout << "Let's start the game!" << endl;
	cout << player_name << " choose color : " << endl;
	cout << "1.RED" << endl;
	cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
	cout << "3.BLACK" << endl;

a tak wygląda konsola pod otworzeniu :(

Your save's:
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