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question-closed Problem z konfiguracją log4js

Object Storage Arubacloud
0 głosów
268 wizyt
pytanie zadane 24 lutego 2018 w JavaScript przez Zelek Użytkownik (960 p.)
zamknięte 3 czerwca 2018 przez Zelek

Witam, jestem niestety zielony w tych sprawach, a potrzebuje modułu log4js do pewnego skryptu. Po zainstalowaniu modułu i odpaleniu skryptu wyskakuje taki błąd :/ Pomoże mi ktoś?

root@vz55575553:/var/www/html/Bot/BOT# node site
        throw new Error(`Problem with log4js configuration: (${util.inspect(this                                                         .candidate, { depth: 5 })})` +

Error: Problem with log4js configuration: ({ appenders:
   [ { type: 'console' },
     { type: 'file', filename: 'logs/site.log' } ] }) - must have a property "ap                                                         penders" of type object.
    at tests.forEach (/var/www/html/Bot/BOT/node_modules/log4js/lib/configuratio                                                         n.js:43:15)
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Configuration.throwExceptionIf (/var/www/html/Bot/BOT/node_modules/log4js                                                         /lib/configuration.js:41:11)
    at new Configuration (/var/www/html/Bot/BOT/node_modules/log4js/lib/configur                                                         ation.js:203:10)
    at Object.configure (/var/www/html/Bot/BOT/node_modules/log4js/lib/log4js.js                                                         :205:12)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/Bot/BOT/site.js:10:8)
    at Module._compile (module.js:570:32)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:487:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)


Jeżeli próbuje odpalić poprzez komendę nodejs to wyskakuje mniej błędów:

root@vz55575553:/var/www/html/Bot/BOT# nodejs site
        throw new Error(`Problem with log4js configuration: (${util.inspect(this.candidate, { depth: 5 })})` +

Error: Problem with log4js configuration: ({ appenders:
   [ { type: 'console' },
     { type: 'file', filename: 'logs/site.log' } ] }) - must have a property "appenders" of type object.
    at /var/www/html/Bot/BOT/node_modules/log4js/lib/configuration.js:43:15
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Configuration.throwExceptionIf (/var/www/html/Bot/BOT/node_modules/log4js/lib/configuration.js:41:11)
    at new Configuration (/var/www/html/Bot/BOT/node_modules/log4js/lib/configuration.js:203:10)
    at Object.configure (/var/www/html/Bot/BOT/node_modules/log4js/lib/log4js.js:205:12)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/Bot/BOT/site.js:10:8)
    at Module._compile (module.js:409:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:343:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:300:12)


komentarz zamknięcia: Temat przedawniony.
komentarz 24 lutego 2018 przez ScriptyChris Mędrzec (190,190 p.)
Czy masz tam jakiś plik konfiguracyjny tego modułu?
komentarz 3 marca 2018 przez Zelek Użytkownik (960 p.)
'use strict';

const util = require('util');
const path = require('path');
const levels = require('./levels');
const layouts = require('./layouts');
const debug = require('debug')('log4js:configuration');

let cluster;
try {
  cluster = require('cluster'); // eslint-disable-line global-require
} catch (e) {
  debug('Clustering support disabled because require(cluster) threw an error: ', e);

const validColours = [
  'white', 'grey', 'black',
  'blue', 'cyan', 'green',
  'magenta', 'red', 'yellow'

function not(thing) {
  return !thing;

function anObject(thing) {
  return thing && typeof thing === 'object' && !Array.isArray(thing);

function validIdentifier(thing) {
  return /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$/g.test(thing);

function anInteger(thing) {
  return thing && typeof thing === 'number' && Number.isInteger(thing);

class Configuration {
  throwExceptionIf(checks, message) {
    const tests = Array.isArray(checks) ? checks : [checks];
    tests.forEach((test) => {
      if (test) {
        throw new Error(`Problem with log4js configuration: (${util.inspect(this.candidate, { depth: 5 })})` +
          ` - ${message}`);

  tryLoading(modulePath) {
    debug('Loading module from ', modulePath);
    try {
      return require(modulePath); //eslint-disable-line
    } catch (e) {
      // if the module was found, and we still got an error, then raise it
        e.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND',
        `appender "${path}" could not be loaded (error was: ${e})`
      return undefined;

  loadAppenderModule(type) {
    return this.tryLoading(`./appenders/${type}`) ||
      this.tryLoading(type) ||
      this.tryLoading(path.join(path.dirname(require.main.filename), type)) ||
      this.tryLoading(path.join(process.cwd(), type));

  createAppender(name, config) {
    const appenderModule = this.loadAppenderModule(config.type);
      `appender "${name}" is not valid (type "${config.type}" could not be found)`
    if (appenderModule.appender) {
      debug(`DEPRECATION: Appender ${config.type} exports an appender function.`);
    if (appenderModule.shutdown) {
      debug(`DEPRECATION: Appender ${config.type} exports a shutdown function.`);

    if (this.disableClustering || cluster.isMaster || (this.pm2 && process.env[this.pm2InstanceVar] === '0')) {
      debug(`cluster.isMaster ? ${cluster.isMaster}`);
      debug(`pm2 enabled ? ${this.pm2}`);
      debug(`pm2InstanceVar = ${this.pm2InstanceVar}`);
      debug(`process.env[${this.pm2InstanceVar}] = ${process.env[this.pm2InstanceVar]}`);
      return appenderModule.configure(
    return () => {};

  get appenders() {
    return this.configuredAppenders;

  set appenders(appenderConfig) {
    const appenderNames = Object.keys(appenderConfig);
    this.throwExceptionIf(not(appenderNames.length), 'must define at least one appender.');

    this.configuredAppenders = new Map();
    appenderNames.forEach((name) => {
        `appender "${name}" is not valid (must be an object with property "type")`

      debug(`Creating appender ${name}`);
      this.configuredAppenders.set(name, this.createAppender(name, appenderConfig[name]));

  get categories() {
    return this.configuredCategories;

  set categories(categoryConfig) {
    const categoryNames = Object.keys(categoryConfig);
    this.throwExceptionIf(not(categoryNames.length), 'must define at least one category.');

    this.configuredCategories = new Map();
    categoryNames.forEach((name) => {
      const category = categoryConfig[name];
        `category "${name}" is not valid (must be an object with properties "appenders" and "level")`

        `category "${name}" is not valid (appenders must be an array of appender names)`

        `category "${name}" is not valid (appenders must contain at least one appender name)`

      const appenders = [];
      category.appenders.forEach((appender) => {
          `category "${name}" is not valid (appender "${appender}" is not defined)`

        `category "${name}" is not valid (level "${category.level}" not recognised;` +
        ` valid levels are ${this.configuredLevels.levels.join(', ')})`

      debug(`Creating category ${name}`);
        { appenders: appenders, level: this.configuredLevels.getLevel(category.level) }

    this.throwExceptionIf(not(categoryConfig.default), 'must define a "default" category.');

  get levels() {
    return this.configuredLevels;

  set levels(levelConfig) {
    // levels are optional
    if (levelConfig) {
      this.throwExceptionIf(not(anObject(levelConfig)), 'levels must be an object');
      const newLevels = Object.keys(levelConfig);
      newLevels.forEach((l) => {
          `level name "${l}" is not a valid identifier (must start with a letter, only contain A-Z,a-z,0-9,_)`
        this.throwExceptionIf(not(anObject(levelConfig[l])), `level "${l}" must be an object`);
        this.throwExceptionIf(not(levelConfig[l].value), `level "${l}" must have a 'value' property`);
        this.throwExceptionIf(not(anInteger(levelConfig[l].value)), `level "${l}".value must have an integer value`);
        this.throwExceptionIf(not(levelConfig[l].colour), `level "${l}" must have a 'colour' property`);
          not(validColours.indexOf(levelConfig[l].colour) > -1),
          `level "${l}".colour must be one of ${validColours.join(', ')}`
    this.configuredLevels = levels(levelConfig);

  constructor(candidate) {
    this.candidate = candidate;

    this.throwExceptionIf(not(anObject(candidate)), 'must be an object.');
    this.throwExceptionIf(not(anObject(candidate.appenders)), 'must have a property "appenders" of type object.');
    this.throwExceptionIf(not(anObject(candidate.categories)), 'must have a property "categories" of type object.');

    this.disableClustering = this.candidate.disableClustering || !cluster;

    this.pm2 = this.candidate.pm2;
    this.pm2InstanceVar = this.candidate.pm2InstanceVar || 'NODE_APP_INSTANCE';

    this.levels = candidate.levels;
    this.appenders = candidate.appenders;
    this.categories = candidate.categories;

module.exports = Configuration;


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