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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in

Object Storage Arubacloud
0 głosów
213 wizyt
pytanie zadane 18 kwietnia 2023 w PHP przez Waflu Nowicjusz (120 p.)

Niestety jestem laik w tym temacie, ale próbowałem przekopiować pliki strony na inny serwer i zaczęły pojawiać się problemy typu usuń nawias, usuń function i tak brnąłem brnąłem i dotarłem do końca  a tam:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /profiles/d/do/dom/domluxolkusz/zakonczeniadoparapetow.cba.pl/libraries/TplParser.php on line 320

i tu leżę.

Jest ktoś w stanie pomóc ?

* TplParser - class parse all HTML files and display from
* this files PHP variables
* @access public
* @version 1.2.3
class TplParser

	var $content;
	var $sFile;
  var $sFileAlt = null;
	var $sBlock;
	var $startBlock = '<!-- BEGIN ';
	var $endBlock = '<!-- END ';
  var $endBlockLine = ' -->';
  var $aFilesContent;	
  var $sBlockContent;
  var $bEmbedPHP = null;
  var $sDir;
  var $bTrim = true;
  var $aVariables;

  function &getInstance( $sDir = null, $bEmbedPHP = null ){  
    static $oInstance = null;
    if( !isset( $oInstance ) ){  
      $oInstance = new TplParser( $sDir, $bEmbedPHP );  
    return $oInstance;  
  } // end function getInstance

  * Constructor
  * @return void
  * @param string $sDir
  * @param bool   $bEmbedPHP
  function TplParser( $sDir, $bEmbedPHP ){
    $this->setEmbedPHP( $bEmbedPHP );
    $this->setDir( $sDir );
  } // end function TplParser
  * Set variables
  * @return void
  * @param string $sName
  * @param mixed  $mValue
  function setVariables( $sName, $mValue ){
    $this->aVariables[$sName] = $mValue;
  } // end function setVariables

  * Unset variables
  * @return void
  function unsetVariables( ){
    $this->aVariables = null;
  } // end function unsetVariables
  * Display parsed file
  * @return void
  * @param string $sFile - file *.tpl
  * @param bool   $bTrim
	function dHtml( $sFile, $bTrim = true ){
		$this->setFile( $this->sDir.$sFile );
    $this->bTrim = $bTrim;

		$this->display( );
    echo $this->content;
	} // end function dHtml

  * Return parsed file
  * @return string
  * @param string $sFile - file *.tpl
  * @param bool   $bTrim
	function tHtml( $sFile, $bTrim = true ){
		$this->setFile( $this->sDir.$sFile );
    $this->bTrim = $bTrim;

		$this->display( );
		return $this->content;
	} // end function tHtml

  * Display parsed sBlock from file
  * @return void
  * @param string $sFile - file *.tpl
  * @param string $sBlock
  * @param bool   $bTrim
	function dbHtml( $sFile, $sBlock, $bTrim = true ){
		$this->setFile( $this->sDir.$sFile );
		$this->setBlock( $sBlock );
    $this->bTrim = $bTrim;

		$this->display( true );
    echo $this->content;
	} // end function dbHtml
  * Return parsed sBlock from file
  * @return string
  * @param string $sFile - file *.tpl
  * @param string $sBlock
  * @param bool   $bTrim
	function tbHtml( $sFile, $sBlock, $bTrim = true ){
		$this->setFile( $this->sDir.$sFile );
		$this->setBlock( $sBlock );
    $this->bTrim = $bTrim;

		$this->display( true );
		return $this->content;
	} // end function tbHtml

  * Function execute functions depend by parameter
  * @return void
  * @param bool $bBlock [optional]
	function display( $bBlock = null ){
		if( $this->checkFile( ) ){
			if( isset( $bBlock ) )
				$this->blockParse( );
				$this->allParse( );
	} // end function display
  * Function check if file exists
  * @return boolean
	function checkFile( ){
		if( is_file( $this->sFile ) ){
	  	return true;
		else {
      $this->content = null;
      if( isset( $this->sFileAlt ) && is_file( $this->sDir.$this->sFileAlt ) ){
        $this->setFile( $this->sDir.$this->sFileAlt );
        return true;
        echo 'ERROR - NO TEMPLATE FILE <b>'.$this->sFile.'</b><br />';
        return null;
	} // end function checkFile

  * Parse content with PHP
  * @return void
  function parsePHP( ){
    extract( $GLOBALS );
    while( $iPosition1 = strpos( $this->content, '<?php' ) ){
      $iPosition2 = strpos( $this->content, '?>' );
      $sPhpCode = substr( $this->content, $iPosition1 + 5, $iPosition2 - $iPosition1 - 5 );
      ob_start( );
      eval( $sPhpCode );
      $this->content = substr( $this->content, 0, $iPosition1 ).ob_get_contents( ).substr( $this->content, $iPosition2 + 2  );
      ob_end_clean( );
    } // end while
  } // end function parsePHP 
  * Function parse $this->content
  * @return boolean
	function parse( ){
    if( isset( $this->bEmbedPHP ) && $this->bEmbedPHP === true && preg_match( '/<?php/', $this->content ) )
      $this->parsePHP( );

    preg_match_all( '/(\$[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(([\[]+[\']*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[\']*[\]]+)*)/', $this->content, $aResults );
    if( isset( $aResults[1] ) && is_array( $aResults[1] ) ){
      $iCount = count( $aResults[1] );
      for( $i = 0; $i < $iCount; $i++ ){
        $aResults[1][$i] = substr( $aResults[1][$i], 1 );
        if( isset( $this->aVariables[$aResults[1][$i]] ) )
          $$aResults[1][$i] = $this->aVariables[$aResults[1][$i]];
          global $$aResults;1;$i

        // array
        ( isset( $aResults[2] ) && !empty( $aResults[2][$i] ) ){
          ( preg_match( '/\'/', $aResults[2][$i] ) ){
            $aResults[2][$i] = str_replace( '\'', null, $aResults[2][$i] )
             = '\''
             = null

          ( '/[a-zA-Z_\'0-9]+/', $aResults[2][$i], $aResults2 )
           = count( $aResults2[0] )
          ( $iCount2 == 2 ){
            ( isset( ${$aResults[1][$i]}[$aResults2[0][0]][$aResults2[0][1]] ) )
              [] = ${$aResults[1][$i]}[$aResults2[0][0]][$aResults2[0][1]]
              [] = null
            [] = '/\$'.$aResults[1][$i].'\['.$sSlash.$aResults2[0][0].$sSlash.'\]\['.$sSlash.$aResults2[0][1].$sSlash.'\]/'
            ( isset( ${$aResults[1][$i]}[$aResults2[0][0]] ) )
              [] = ${$aResults[1][$i]}[$aResults2[0][0]]
              [] = null
            [] = '/\$'.$aResults[1][$i].'\['.$sSlash.$aResults2[0][0].$sSlash.'\]/'
          ( !is_array( $$aResults[1][$i] ) ){
            $aReplace[] = $$aResults[1][$i].'\\1'
            [] = '/\$'.$aResults[1][$i].'([^a-zA-Z0-9])/'
       // end for

    ( isset( $aFind ) )
      ->content = preg_replace( $aFind, $aReplace, $this->content )
    ( isset( $this->bTrim ) )
      ->content = trim( $this->content )
	 // end function parse
  * Function return all data from file
  * @return void
   ->content = $this->getContent( )
		->parse( )
	 // end function allParse
  * Get defined sBlock from file
  * @return boolean

  * Get file data from file or from variable ($this->aFilesContent)
  * @return array
  * @param bool $bBlock

  * Return file content
  * @return string
  * @param string $sFile

  * Return sBlock from file
  * @return string
  * @param string $sFile [optional]
  * @param string $sBlock [optional]

  * Return file to array
  * @return array
  * @param string $sFile

  * Return defined $this->sDir variable
  * @return string

  * Function define $this->sDir variable
  * @return void
  * @param string $sDir
  * Function define $this->bEmbedPHP variable
  * @return void
  * @param bool $bEmbed
  * Function define $this->sFile variable
  * @return void
  * @param string $sFile

  * Function define $this->sFileAlt variable
  * @return void
  * @param string $sFileAlt

  * Function define $this->sBlock variable
  * @return void
  * @param string $sBlock
 // end class TplParser



1 odpowiedź

0 głosów
odpowiedź 19 kwietnia 2023 przez VBService Ekspert (254,440 p.)

Od linii 159 to się "działo"  laugh


* TplParser - class parse all HTML files and display from
* this files PHP variables
* @access public
* @version 1.2.3
class TplParser
  var $content;
  var $sFile;
  var $sFileAlt = null;
  var $sBlock;
  var $startBlock = '<!-- BEGIN ';
  var $endBlock = '<!-- END ';
  var $endBlockLine = ' -->';
  var $aFilesContent;   
  var $sBlockContent;
  var $bEmbedPHP = null;
  var $sDir;
  var $bTrim = true;
  var $aVariables;
  function &getInstance( $sDir = null, $bEmbedPHP = null ){  
    static $oInstance = null;
    if( !isset( $oInstance ) ){  
      $oInstance = new TplParser( $sDir, $bEmbedPHP );  
    return $oInstance;  
  } // end function getInstance
  * Constructor
  * @return void
  * @param string $sDir
  * @param bool   $bEmbedPHP
  function TplParser( $sDir, $bEmbedPHP ){
    $this->setEmbedPHP( $bEmbedPHP );
    $this->setDir( $sDir );
  } // end function TplParser
  * Set variables
  * @return void
  * @param string $sName
  * @param mixed  $mValue
  function setVariables( $sName, $mValue ){
    $this->aVariables[$sName] = $mValue;
  } // end function setVariables
  * Unset variables
  * @return void
  function unsetVariables( ){
    $this->aVariables = null;
  } // end function unsetVariables
  * Display parsed file
  * @return void
  * @param string $sFile - file *.tpl
  * @param bool   $bTrim
  function dHtml( $sFile, $bTrim = true ){
    $this->setFile( $this->sDir.$sFile );
    $this->bTrim = $bTrim;
    $this->display( );
    echo $this->content;
  } // end function dHtml
  * Return parsed file
  * @return string
  * @param string $sFile - file *.tpl
  * @param bool   $bTrim   
  function tHtml( $sFile, $bTrim = true ){
    $this->setFile( $this->sDir.$sFile );
    $this->bTrim = $bTrim;
    $this->display( );
    return $this->content;
  } // end function tHtml
  * Display parsed sBlock from file
  * @return void
  * @param string $sFile - file *.tpl
  * @param string $sBlock
  * @param bool   $bTrim
  function dbHtml( $sFile, $sBlock, $bTrim = true ){
    $this->setFile( $this->sDir.$sFile );
    $this->setBlock( $sBlock );
    $this->bTrim = $bTrim;
    $this->display( true );
    echo $this->content;
  } // end function dbHtml
  * Return parsed sBlock from file
  * @return string
  * @param string $sFile - file *.tpl
  * @param string $sBlock
  * @param bool   $bTrim
  function tbHtml( $sFile, $sBlock, $bTrim = true ){
    $this->setFile( $this->sDir.$sFile );
    $this->setBlock( $sBlock );
    $this->bTrim = $bTrim;
    $this->display( true );
    return $this->content;
  } // end function tbHtml
  * Function execute functions depend by parameter
  * @return void
  * @param bool $bBlock [optional]
  function display( $bBlock = null ){
    if( $this->checkFile( ) ){
      if( isset( $bBlock ) )
        $this->blockParse( );
        $this->allParse( );
  } // end function display
  * Function check if file exists
  * @return boolean
  function checkFile( ){
    if( is_file( $this->sFile ) ){
      return true;
    } else {
      $this->content = null;
      if( isset( $this->sFileAlt ) && is_file( $this->sDir.$this->sFileAlt ) ){
        $this->setFile( $this->sDir.$this->sFileAlt );
        return true;
        echo 'ERROR - NO TEMPLATE FILE <b>'.$this->sFile.'</b><br />';
        return null;
  } // end function checkFile
  * Parse content with PHP
  * @return void
  function parsePHP( ){
    extract( $GLOBALS );
    while( $iPosition1 = strpos( $this->content, '<?php' ) ){
      $iPosition2 = strpos( $this->content, '?>' );
      $sPhpCode = substr( $this->content, $iPosition1 + 5, $iPosition2 - $iPosition1 - 5 );
      ob_start( );
      eval( $sPhpCode );
      $this->content = substr( $this->content, 0, $iPosition1 ).ob_get_contents( ).substr( $this->content, $iPosition2 + 2  );
      ob_end_clean( );
    } // end while
  } // end function parsePHP 
  * Function parse $this->content
  * @return boolean
  function parse() {
    if(isset($this->bEmbedPHP) && $this->bEmbedPHP === true && preg_match('/<?php/', $this->content)) {

    preg_match_all('/(\$[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(([\[]+[\']*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[\']*[\]]+)*)/', $this->content, $aResults);
    if(isset($aResults[1]) && is_array($aResults[1])) {
      $iCount = count($aResults[1]);
      for($i = 0; $i < $iCount; $i++) {
        $aResults[1][$i] = substr($aResults[1][$i], 1);
        if(isset($this->aVariables[$aResults[1][$i]])) {
          ${$aResults[1][$i]} = $this->aVariables[$aResults[1][$i]];
        } else {
          global ${$aResults[1][$i]};

        // array
        if(isset($aResults[2]) && !empty($aResults[2][$i])) {
          if(preg_match('/\'/', $aResults[2][$i])) {
            $aResults[2][$i] = str_replace('\'', null, $aResults[2][$i]);
          $sSlash = '\\';
          preg_match_all('/[a-zA-Z_\'0-9]+/', $aResults[2][$i], $aResults2);
          $iCount2 = count($aResults2[0]);
          if($iCount2 == 2) {
            if(isset(${$aResults[1][$i]}[$aResults2[0][0]][$aResults2[0][1]])) {
             ${$aResults[1][$i]}[] = ${$aResults[1][$i]}[$aResults2[0][0]][$aResults2[0][1]];
          } else {
            ${$aResults[1][$i]}[] = null;
          $aFind[] = '/\$'.$aResults[1][$i].'\['.$sSlash.$aResults2[0][0].$sSlash.'\]\['.$sSlash.$aResults2[0][1].$sSlash.'\]/';
          } else {
            if(isset(${$aResults[1][$i]}[$aResults2[0][0]])) {
              ${$aResults[1][$i]}[] = ${$aResults[1][$i]}[$aResults2[0][0]];
            } else {
              ${$aResults[1][$i]}[] = null;
            $aFind[] = '/\$'.$aResults[1][$i].'\['.$sSlash.$aResults2[0][0].$sSlash.'\]/';
        } else {
          if(!is_array(${$aResults[1][$i]})) {
            $aReplace[] = ${$aResults[1][$i]}.'\\1';
            $aFind[] = '/\$'.$aResults[1][$i].'([^a-zA-Z0-9])/';
      } // end for

    if(isset($aFind)) {
      $this->content = preg_replace($aFind, $aReplace, $this->content);
    if(isset($this->bTrim)) {
      $this->content = trim($this->content);
  } // end function parse

  * Function return all data from file
  * @return void
  function allParse( ) {    
    $this->content = $this->getContent( );
    $this->parse( );
  // end function allParse
  * Get defined sBlock from file
  * @return boolean
  * Get file data from file or from variable ($this->aFilesContent)
  * @return array
  * @param bool $bBlock
  * Return file content
  * @return string
  * @param string $sFile
  * Return sBlock from file
  * @return string
  * @param string $sFile [optional]
  * @param string $sBlock [optional]
  * Return file to array
  * @return array
  * @param string $sFile
  * Return defined $this->sDir variable
  * @return string
  * Function define $this->sDir variable
  * @return void
  * @param string $sDir
  * Function define $this->bEmbedPHP variable
  * @return void
  * @param bool $bEmbed
  * Function define $this->sFile variable
  * @return void
  * @param string $sFile
  * Function define $this->sFileAlt variable
  * @return void
  * @param string $sFileAlt
  * Function define $this->sBlock variable
  * @return void
  * @param string $sBlock
} // end class TplParse 


komentarz 19 kwietnia 2023 przez Waflu Nowicjusz (120 p.)

teraz mam błąd:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method TplParser::setEmbedPHP() in /profiles/d/do/dom/domluxolkusz/zakonczeniadoparapetow.cba.pl/libraries/TplParser.php:39 Stack trace: #0 /profiles/d/do/dom/domluxolkusz/zakonczeniadoparapetow.cba.pl/libraries/TplParser.php(27): TplParser->TplParser('templates/', false) #1 /profiles/d/do/dom/domluxolkusz/zakonczeniadoparapetow.cba.pl/index.php(43): TplParser::getInstance('templates/', false) #2 {main} thrown in /profiles/d/do/dom/domluxolkusz/zakonczeniadoparapetow.cba.pl/libraries/TplParser.php on line 39

komentarz 26 kwietnia 2023 przez Waflu Nowicjusz (120 p.)
Jakiś pomysł jak rozwiązać problem ?
komentarz 26 kwietnia 2023 przez VBService Ekspert (254,440 p.)

Możesz udostępnić pełny oryginalny kod TplParser, bo ten udostępniony przez Ciebie jest niepełny. Brakuje funkcji 

function TplParser( $sDir, $bEmbedPHP ){
    $this->setEmbedPHP( $bEmbedPHP );
    $this->setDir( $sDir );
  } // end function TplParser


BTW i wielu innych funkcji brakuje ...

komentarz 26 kwietnia 2023 przez Waflu Nowicjusz (120 p.)
Czyli to tu jest problem, to jest cały kod jaki znajduje się w plikuTplParser...

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