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Fire particles

Object Storage Arubacloud
0 głosów
91 wizyt
pytanie zadane 14 grudnia 2015 w C i C++ przez GameProgrammer Obywatel (1,140 p.)

Pracuję na SFML2 i trudzę się z efektami cząsteczek. Czy możecie mi pomóc w osiągnięciu podobnego efektu ognia jak na obrazku?

2 odpowiedzi

0 głosów
odpowiedź 14 grudnia 2015 przez Patrycjerz Mędrzec (192,320 p.)
Po prostu generujesz pojedyncze cząstki z jednego punktu, o różnych wektorach prędkości i czasie żywotu oraz uwzględniasz siłę grawitacji.
0 głosów
odpowiedź 14 grudnia 2015 przez arek01996 Stary wyjadacz (12,100 p.)

Tak się składa że coś takiego napisałem parę dni temu. System przystosowany do silnika ale jak się porywasz na system cząstek to pewnie dasz radę przerobić


#include "../../headers/TextureParticle.h"

TextureParticle::TextureParticle(string path, unsigned int count, int _lifeTime, int _size, int _status):
    m_vertices(sf::Quads, count*4),
    m_emitter(0, 0),
    m_speed( 50.f , 100.f ),
    m_angel( 0, 360),
    justCreated( true ),
    isGravityRequied( false ),
    activity( Activity::Active )

    if(!m_texture.loadFromFile(PATH + path))
        cout << "Texture missing! " << endl;

    sf::Vector2u textureSize = m_texture.getSize();

    for(int i=0; i<count-1; i++)
        m_vertices[(3*i)+i%4].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(0, 0);
        m_vertices[(3*i)+1+i%4].texCoords = sf::Vector2f( textureSize.x, 0);
        m_vertices[(3*i)+2+i%4].texCoords = sf::Vector2f( textureSize.x, textureSize.y );
        m_vertices[(3*i)+3+i%4].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(0, textureSize.y );


void TextureParticle::Update(float elapsed)

    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_particles.size(); ++i)

        Particle& p = m_particles[i];
        sf::Time dTime = sf::seconds(elapsed);
        p.lifetime -= dTime;
        int currentIndex = ( 3 * i ) + ( i % 4 );

        if (p.lifetime <= sf::Time::Zero)
            if(status == STATUS::Repeat)
            else if(status == STATUS::Once)



        //float TTL = ((p.lifetime.asSeconds())/p.beginTime.asSeconds()*100);
            sf::Vector2f gravity(0, gravityAcceleration);

            m_vertices[currentIndex].position += p.velocity  * dTime.asSeconds() + gravity * dTime.asSeconds();
            m_vertices[currentIndex + 1].position += p.velocity  * dTime.asSeconds() + gravity * dTime.asSeconds() ;
            m_vertices[currentIndex + 2].position += p.velocity  * dTime.asSeconds() + gravity * dTime.asSeconds();
            m_vertices[currentIndex + 3].position += p.velocity  * dTime.asSeconds() + gravity * dTime.asSeconds() ;

            m_vertices[currentIndex].position += p.velocity * dTime.asSeconds();
            m_vertices[currentIndex + 1].position += p.velocity * dTime.asSeconds();
            m_vertices[currentIndex + 2].position += p.velocity * dTime.asSeconds();
            m_vertices[currentIndex + 3].position += p.velocity * dTime.asSeconds();


void TextureParticle::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const

    if(activity == Activity::Active)
        states.transform *= getTransform();

        states.texture = &m_texture;

        target.draw( m_vertices, states );

void TextureParticle::resetParticle( size_t index )

    float angle = ( m_angel.x + ( rand() % int (m_angel.y) ) ) * 3.1415f / 180.f;
    float speed = ( rand() % int (abs( m_speed.y - m_speed.x )) ) + m_speed.x;
    int currentIndex = ( 3 * index ) + (index % 4);

    m_particles[index].velocity = sf::Vector2f(( cos(angle)) * speed, ( sin(angle)) * speed);
    m_particles[index].lifetime = sf::milliseconds( ( rand() % int(lifeTime) ) + lifeTimeDifference );
    m_particles[index].beginTime = m_particles[index].lifetime;

    // reset the position of the corresponding vertex
    m_vertices[currentIndex].position = m_emitter;
    m_vertices[currentIndex + 1].position = sf::Vector2f(( size + m_emitter.x ), ( m_emitter.y ));
    m_vertices[currentIndex + 2].position = sf::Vector2f(( size + m_emitter.x ), ( size + m_emitter.y ));
    m_vertices[currentIndex + 3].position = sf::Vector2f(( m_emitter.x ), ( size + m_emitter.y ));


// If object is not currently in use deleting from container.
bool TextureParticle::Destroy()
    if(destroyQueue == false)
        return false;
        destroyQueue = false;
        return true;

void TextureParticle::setActive( int _activity )
    if(_activity == Activity::Active)

        activity = _activity;

    if(_activity == Activity::Disactive)
        activity = _activity;

void TextureParticle::outOfContrainet()
    destroyQueue = true;

void TextureParticle::setEmitter( sf::Vector2f position )
    m_emitter = position;

void TextureParticle::setlifeTimeDifference( int time )
    if(time == 0)
        time = 1;

    lifeTimeDifference = time;

void TextureParticle::setGravity( float acceleration )
    if(acceleration == 0)

    gravityAcceleration = acceleration;

void TextureParticle::setGravityState( bool isRequied )
    if(isRequied == true)
        isGravityRequied = true;
        isGravityRequied = false;

void TextureParticle::setSpeed(float x, float y)
    sf::Vector2f speed( x, y);
    m_speed = speed;

void TextureParticle::setAngel(float x, float y)
    sf::Vector2f angel( x, y);
    m_angel = angel;



#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <conio.h>
#include "Updateable.h"

#define PATH "system\\data\\particle\\"
#define SHADERS_P "system\\data\shaders\\"

using namespace std;

class TextureParticle : public sf::Drawable, public sf::Transformable, public Updateable


    TextureParticle(string path = "", unsigned int count = 100, int lifeTime = 100, int _size = 32,  int _status = STATUS::Once);

protected: // Protected functions
    virtual void Update( float ); // Updating state


    void setEmitter(sf::Vector2f ); // The position when all particles will be created
    virtual void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const; // Virtual funcion based on sf::Drawable
    void setActive(int /* if true update state */ );
    void outOfContrainet(); // If u do not want to continue updating data in container u can use this function
    void setSpeed(float, float); // Set new particle speed left min right max
    void setAngel(float, float); // Set an angel for direction of particles.
    void setGravity(float); // Set gravity acceleration pixel per second
    void setlifeTimeDifference( int ); // If you want to make some of the particle from 0  to longer for this value set some number
    void setGravityState( bool ); // Decide to run on gravity or leave it of if u dont need

private:// Private functions
    virtual bool Destroy(); // Function charge of delete object from memory when bool in constructor is TRUE
    void resetParticle( size_t index );

private: // Private variables

    struct Particle // Particle structs
        sf::Vector2f velocity; // Direction of updating position of particle
        sf::Time lifetime; // How long particle will be exit
        sf::Time beginTime; // The time randed after reset id demend how long we have to draw it.

    vector < Particle > m_particles; // Contrainer of particles

    sf::VertexArray m_vertices;
    sf::Time m_lifetime;
    sf::Vector2f m_emitter;
    sf::Texture m_texture;
    sf::Vector2f m_speed;
    sf::Vector2f m_angel;

    bool destroyQueue; // If true delete from contrainer
    bool justCreated; // Create new particles data if true
    bool isGravityRequied; // The same in name

    int activity; // demend if it suppose to be draw or no
    int status; // Repeat all time or just once
    int size; // Size of particles
    int lifeTimeDifference; //
    int lifeTime;

    float gravityAcceleration;



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