Po zainstalowaniu windowsa na nowo pojawił się problem z wykryciem baterii przez windows. Na pasku zadań nie ma ikony zasilania, wszystkie sterowniki są aktualne, wszystkie aktualizacje wykonane.
Pobrałem raport z programu batteryinfoview
<html><head><title>Battery Information</title></head>
<h3>Battery Information</h3>
<br><h4>Created by using <a href="http://www.nirsoft.net/" target="newwin">BatteryInfoView</a></h4><p><table border="1" cellpadding="5"><tr bgcolor="E0E0E0">
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Battery Name<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Manufacture Name<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Serial Number<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Manufacture Date<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Power State<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Current Capacity (in %)<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Current Capacity Value<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Full Charged Capacity<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Designed Capacity<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Battery Health<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Voltage<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Charge/Discharge Rate <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Chemistry <td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Low Battery Capacity (1)<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Low Battery Capacity (2)<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Critical Bias<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Number of charge/discharge cycles<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Battery Temperature<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Remaining battery time for the current activity (Estimated)<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Full battery time for the current activity (Estimated)<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Remaining time for charging the battery (Estimated)<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>Total time for charging the battery (Estimated)<td bgcolor=#FFFFFF nowrap>
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