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SPOJ problem NZeC

Object Storage Arubacloud
0 głosów
266 wizyt
pytanie zadane 13 września 2022 w SPOJ przez jarek1725 Nowicjusz (120 p.)

Witam, dostaję błąd NZEC przy próbie wysłania tego kodu:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
        int howMuchTimes = sc.nextInt();
        while (howMuchTimes > 0) {
            Scanner sc1 = new Scanner(System.in);

            String testBlackValues = sc1.nextLine();

            String testGreyValues = sc1.nextLine();

            String[] allBlackScannedNumbersList = testBlackValues.split(" ");
            String[] allGreyScannedNumbersList = testGreyValues.split(" ");

            List<Coordinates> scannedBlackCoordinatesList = convertListFromStringsToCoordinates(allBlackScannedNumbersList);
            List<Coordinates> scannedGreyCoordinatesList = convertListFromStringsToCoordinates(allGreyScannedNumbersList);

            List<Integer> listOfResultsFromParenthesesBlack = getListOfResultsFromParentheses(scannedBlackCoordinatesList);
            List<Integer> listOfResultsFromParenthesesGrey = getListOfResultsFromParentheses(scannedGreyCoordinatesList);

            scannedBlackCoordinatesList = addParenthesesResultToEachCoordinate(scannedBlackCoordinatesList, listOfResultsFromParenthesesBlack);
            scannedGreyCoordinatesList = addParenthesesResultToEachCoordinate(scannedGreyCoordinatesList, listOfResultsFromParenthesesGrey);

            float resultOfGaussMethodBlack = getResultOfGaussMethod(scannedBlackCoordinatesList);
            float resultOfGaussMethodGrey = getResultOfGaussMethod(scannedGreyCoordinatesList);

            int result = (int) ((resultOfGaussMethodGrey - resultOfGaussMethodBlack) * 6 + resultOfGaussMethodBlack * 10);




    public static List<Coordinates> convertListFromStringsToCoordinates(String[] stringList) {
        List<Coordinates> scannedCoordinatesList = new ArrayList<>();
        int x = 0;
        int y = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < (stringList.length - 1); i++) {
            if (i % 2 == 0) {
                x = Integer.parseInt(stringList[i]);
            } else {
                y = Integer.parseInt(stringList[i]);
                scannedCoordinatesList.add(new Coordinates(x, y));

        return scannedCoordinatesList;

    //    Return (Xi+1 – Xi-1)
    public static List<Integer> getListOfResultsFromParentheses(List<Coordinates> numberArray) {
        List<Integer> resultList = new ArrayList<>();

        resultList.add(numberArray.get(1).X - numberArray.get(numberArray.size() - 1).X);

        for (int i = 1; i < numberArray.size() - 1; i++) {
            resultList.add(numberArray.get(i + 1).X - numberArray.get(i - 1).X);

        resultList.add(numberArray.get(0).X - numberArray.get(numberArray.size() - 2).X);

        return resultList;

    public static List<Coordinates> addParenthesesResultToEachCoordinate(List<Coordinates> coordinatesList, List<Integer> parenthesesList) {
        for (int i = 0; i < coordinatesList.size(); i++) {
            coordinatesList.get(i).gaussParenthesesResult = parenthesesList.get(i);
        return coordinatesList;

    public static float getResultOfGaussMethod(List<Coordinates> coordinatesList) {
        float result = 0;
        for (Coordinates coordinate : coordinatesList) {
            result += coordinate.Y * coordinate.gaussParenthesesResult;

        return result / -2;

class Coordinates {
    public int X = 0;
    public int Y = 0;
    public int gaussParenthesesResult = 0;

    public Coordinates(int x, int y) {
        X = x;
        Y = y;

    public String toString() {
        return "Coordinates{" +
                "X=" + X +
                ", Y=" + Y +
                ", gaussParenthesesResult=" + gaussParenthesesResult +
                "} \n";

przy tym zadaniu https://pl.spoj.com/problems/BAJTELEK/

Czy jest to problem z wejściem danych?

komentarz 14 września 2022 przez tmar1212 Bywalec (2,600 p.)
Używałeś debugera? Potrafisz jakoś zawęzić problem?
komentarz 14 września 2022 przez jarek1725 Nowicjusz (120 p.)
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