Ustaw zdarzenie click tylko raz na
<h2 class="userChoices"></h2>
<h2 class="userChoices"></h2>
<h2 class="userChoices"></h2>
<h2 class="userChoices"></h2>
np. zaraz po "załadowaniu" strony.
<div class="answers">
<p data-lp="1">Lorem 1</p>
<p data-lp="2">Lorem 2</p>
<p data-lp="3">Lorem 3</p>
<p data-lp="4">Lorem 4</p>
.answers p {
cursor: pointer;
let answers;
window.addEventListener('load', load);
function load() {
answers = document.querySelectorAll('.answers p');
for (const answer of answers)
answer.addEventListener('click', checkAnswer);
function checkAnswer(e) {
console.log(, parseInt(,;
<div class="container">
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<div class="question">
<div class="answers">
<p data-lp="1"></p>
<p data-lp="2"></p>
<p data-lp="3"></p>
<p data-lp="4"></p>
<div class="statistic">
<div class="good-answers">Prawidłowych odpowiedzi: <span>0</span></div>
<div class="wrong-answers">Nieprawidłowych odpowiedzi: <span>0</span></div>
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"question" "answers" "statistic";
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margin: 1em auto;
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border-bottom: 0.1em solid black;
.rows-layout .answers {
grid-area: answers;
.rows-layout .answers p {
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
border: 2px solid #416062;
background-color: #ceddde;
transition: all 0.25s;
padding: 1em 0.5em 1em 2em;
border-radius: 0.5em;
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border: 2px solid #182525;
background-color: #77a6a6;
.rows-layout .answers p::before {
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.rows-layout .statistic div span {
display: inline-block;
font: 700 1.4em monospace;
width: 2em;
.rows-layout .statistic .good-answers span {
color: limegreen;
.rows-layout .statistic .wrong-answers span {
color: orangered;
.backlight-good-answer {
background-color: limegreen !important;
color: white;
.backlight-wrong-answer {
background-color: red !important;
color: white;
const quiz = [
question : 'Pytanie 1',
answers : [
'Odpowiedź 1.1', 'Odpowiedź 1.2',
'Odpowiedź 1.3', 'Odpowiedź 1.4'
correct : 1
question : 'Pytanie 2',
answers : [
'Odpowiedź 2.1', 'Odpowiedź 2.2',
'Odpowiedź 2.3', 'Odpowiedź 2.4'
correct : 2
question : 'Pytanie 3',
answers : [
'Odpowiedź 3.1', 'Odpowiedź 3.2',
'Odpowiedź 3.3', 'Odpowiedź 3.4'
correct : 3
question : 'Pytanie 4',
answers : [
'Odpowiedź 4.1', 'Odpowiedź 4.2',
'Odpowiedź 4.3', 'Odpowiedź 4.4'
correct : 4
let qestion, answers, good_answers, wrong_answers,
question_current_id = 0, next_question;
window.addEventListener('load', load);
function load() {
qestion = document.querySelector('.question p');
answers = document.querySelectorAll('.answers p');
good_answers = document.querySelector('.good-answers span');
wrong_answers = document.querySelector('.wrong-answers span');
for (const answer of answers)
answer.addEventListener('click', checkAnswer);
function selectQuestion() {
question_current_id = Math.floor(Math.random() * quiz.length);
qestion.textContent = quiz[question_current_id].question;
for (let i=0; i<answers.length ;i++)
answers[i].textContent = quiz[question_current_id].answers[i];
next_question = false;
function checkAnswer(e) {
if (! next_question) {
let backlight_answer = 'backlight-wrong-answer';
if (parseInt( == quiz[question_current_id].correct) {
good_answers.textContent = parseInt(good_answers.textContent) + 1;
backlight_answer = 'backlight-good-answer';
} else
wrong_answers.textContent = parseInt(wrong_answers.textContent) + 1;
next_question = true;;
setTimeout(nextQuestion, 2000,, backlight_answer);
function nextQuestion(element, css) {
element = element.closest('.answers').style;
element.cssText = 'filter: blur(5px);';
setTimeout(function() {
element.cssText = 'filter: none;';
}, 500);