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Naprawa uszkodzonego pliku mp4

VPS Starter Arubacloud
+1 głos
2,210 wizyt
pytanie zadane 15 listopada 2020 w Grafika i multimedia przez xdmik23 Gaduła (3,000 p.)

jak w temacie potrzebuję naprawić uszkodzony plik .mp4. Niestety próba odtworzenia za pomocą VLC nie powiodła się, podobnie jak konwersja do innego formatu.

Znalazłem co prawda program, który dobrze poradził sobie z naprawą pliku (pierwsze 30 sekund dostępne w wersji TRIAL), jednak pełna wersja kosztuje ok.50$, więc nie bardzo jest sens akurat w moim przypadku.

Znalazłem taki tutorial na YT:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISJC8ppXP4A.

Niestety plik uzyskany po naprawie ma zaledwie 1min (z ok.60) i zajmuje 30MB(oryginał 240). Są to wycięte fragmenty z calości. Czy ktoś wie co mógłbym zrobić w tej sytuacji, żeby uzyskać pełny filmik?

1 odpowiedź

0 głosów
odpowiedź 15 listopada 2020 przez VBService Ekspert (255,800 p.)
edycja 16 listopada 2020 przez VBService

Dokładnie, ten link co podałeś to dobra darmowa alternatywa do naprawiania uszkodzonych plików mp4. wink

Method – Use A Free MP4 Repair Tool

  1. Make a backup copy of your corrupted MP4 file.
  2. Get a sample MP4 file. This must be a valid (playable) video file recorded with the same camera and settings as the damaged file (e.g. same resolution, orientation, frame rate, etc.).

    If you use a valuable video as a sample file, make a backup copy of this video too.

  3. Download our free MP4 repair tool, called recover_MP4, by clicking on this link.

  4. Download another free tool, called FFmpeg. You'll need it later on to combine the fixed video and audio streams into a final MP4 file. You can download FFmpeg here.

  5. At this stage, you should have two zip archives downloaded on your PC. Now, extract ffmpeg.zip on your C:\ disk drive. Rename the extracted folder to ffmpeg.

  6. Inside the ffmpeg folder, there is a bin directory. Open that directory and then extract all files from recover_MP4.zip into it. Once done, you should have all the .exe files from both archives stored in the /ffmpeg/bin folder.

  7. Rename your corrupted MP4 file to "bad.mp4" (without quotes).
    Rename your valid video file (sample) to "good.mp4" (without quotes).
    Then copy both the bad.mp4 and good.mp4 into the \ffmpeg\bin folder.

  8. Now, you need to launch the Command Prompt as an administrator. For this, click Start and type CMD in the search box. A Command Prompt option should appear. Right-click on it and choose Run as administrator. This will open the Command Prompt in a new window.

  9. In the Command Prompt change the working directory to one where the ffmpeg.exerecover_mp4.exe and MP4 files are stored.

    For example, if you've extracted all the files to your C:\ drive as described in the previous steps, the working directory should be: C:\ffmpeg\bin

    To switch to this directory, enter the following command in the Command Prompt:

    cd C:\ffmpeg\bin

  10. Copy the following command into the Command Prompt and press Enter:

    recover_mp4.exe good.mp4 --analyze

    - recover_mp4.exe – executes (calls) the video recovery app
    - good.mp4 – specifies a path to the sample video needed for the recovery app
    --analyze – instructs the tool to extract the needed data from the sample file

  11. Once the processing is done, you will get a message containing two commands. First one is to fix the missing metadata. And the second one is to build the resulting video and audio streams into a final MP4 file.

    At this stage we recommend that you copy the second command to a text document, so that you can run it later.

    Now, run the first command in the Command Prompt (just copy/paste it and hit Enter). The command should look the following way:

    recover_mp4.exe bad.mp4 recovered.h264 recovered.aac
    - recover_mp4.exe – executes (calls) the video recovery app
    - bad.mp4 – specifies a path to the corrupted MP4 file
    - recovered.h264 – specifies the output filename for the video stream of the fixed file
    - recovered.aac – specifies the output filename for the audio stream of the fixed file

  12. Now you need to merge the resulting video and audio streams into a final valid MP4 file. For this, run the command you saved in a text document earlier. The command should look the following way:

    ffmpeg.exe -r 30 -i recovered.h264 -i recovered.aac -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -c:v copy -c:a copy recovered.mp4

    Essentially, this command will call the FFmpeg tool to merge the streams. The final MP4 file will be saved into the same folder (C:\ffmpeg\bin), titled recovered.mp4.

    Your MP4 file is fixed now! You can play it in your favorite media player.

  13. Please note that the above commands may differ depending on the paths you used to extract FFmpeg and the MP4 repair tool. So, be sure to follow the instructions from the Command Prompt.

    Also, please note that we do not provide support for the free tool – recover_MP4.

    If you're stuck with the Command Prompt and can't repair corrupted MP4 video files for any reason, we encourage you to try Restore.Media instead. It has a wizard-like interface and is much easier to use.

komentarz 15 listopada 2020 przez xdmik23 Gaduła (3,000 p.)
W filmiku jest to zrobione w analogiczny sposób i zrobiłem właśnie w taki sposób. Problem pojawia się przy wywołaniu ostatniego polecenia w cmd. Co prawda tworzony jest plik recover.mp4, jednak pomimo tego, że naprawiony plik w formacie .acc waży ok.210MB (czyli bardzo podobnie jak niedziałający oryginał ok.240MB), plik recover.mp4 waży zaledwie 30MB i zawiera wycinki filmiku.

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