Jak przerobić ten program żeby działał na tablicach dynamicznych?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
void main_menu(int& main_menu_navigator);
void menu_option1(string& player_name, int& credits, int& color, int& credits_played, int& random_number, fstream& save, string& game_name);
void conditions_color_option(string player_name, int& variable);
void conditions_credits_option(string player_name, int credits, int& credits_played);
void draw_option(int& random_number);
void conditions_result_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int color, int random_number, fstream& save, string& game_name);
void win_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int multiplier);
void lose_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, string correct_color);
void p_c();
void save_option1(fstream& save, string& game_name, string player_name, int credits);
void reading_from_a_file(string Save[], string Nick[], int Credits[], int &selected_save, string& player_name, int& credits);
void menu_option2(string player_name, int& credits, int color, int credits_played, int random_number, fstream& save, string game_name, int &selected_save, string Save[], string Nick[], int Credits[]);
void conditions_result_option2(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int color, int random_number, string Save[], string Nick[], int Credits[], int& selected_save, string game_name, fstream& save);
void save_option2(fstream& save, string game_name, string player_name, int credits, string Save[], string Nick[], int Credits[], int selected_save);
int main()
int main_menu_navigator, credits, color, credits_played = 0, random_number, selected_save;
string player_name, game_name;
fstream save;
string Save[4], Nick[4];//dynamika
int Credits[4];//dynamika
while (1)
switch (main_menu_navigator)
case 1:
menu_option1(player_name, credits, color, credits_played, random_number, save, game_name);
case 2:
menu_option2(player_name, credits, color, credits_played, random_number, save, game_name, selected_save, Save, Nick, Credits);
case 3:
default: break;
void main_menu(int& main_menu_navigator)
cout << "ROULETTE GAME" << endl;
cout << "=============" << endl;
cout << "<<MAIN MENU>>" << endl;
cout << "=============" << endl;
cout << "1.Start a new game." << endl;
cout << "2.Coutinue the game." << endl;
cout << "3.Rule section." << endl;
cout << "4.END." << endl;
cout << "Enter: ";
if (!(cin >> main_menu_navigator))
cout << "You can't enter anything other than a number here! " << endl;
cout << "Restart program and try again." << endl;
void menu_option1(string& player_name, int& credits, int& color, int& credits_played, int& random_number, fstream& save, string& game_name)
credits = 50;
cout << "WELCOME IN C++ CASINO." << endl;
cout << "Enter your name: ";
cin >> player_name;
cout << "Good luck and have fun " << player_name << "." << endl;
cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
cout << "Let's start the game!" << endl;
cout << player_name << " choose color : " << endl;
cout << "1.RED" << endl;
cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
cout << "3.BLACK" << endl;
conditions_color_option(player_name, color);
while (color < 1 || color>3)
cout << "This option dosn't exits!" << endl;
cout << player_name << " choose color : " << endl;
cout << "1.RED" << endl;
cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
cout << "3.BLUE" << endl;
conditions_color_option(player_name, color);
cout << "How many credits do you want to play? ";
conditions_color_option(player_name, credits_played);
conditions_credits_option(player_name, credits, credits_played);
conditions_result_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, color, random_number, save, game_name);
void conditions_color_option(string player_name, int& variable)
if (!(cin >> variable))
cout << player_name << " you can't enter anything other than a number here! " << endl;
cout << "Restart program and try again." << endl;
void conditions_credits_option(string player_name, int credits, int& credits_played)
while (credits < credits_played || credits_played <= 0)//można lepiej na dwa przypadki
cout << player_name << " you have only " << credits << " credits! You can't play for " << credits_played << "!" << endl;
cout << "How many credits do you want to play? " << endl;
conditions_color_option(player_name, credits_played);
void draw_option(int& random_number)
cout << "The drawing machine begins the countdown." << endl;
for (int i = 5; i > -2; i--)
cout << i;
random_number = rand() % 99 + 1;
void conditions_result_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int color, int random_number, fstream& save, string& game_name)
if (random_number >= 1 && random_number <= 48)
if (color == 1)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 2);
else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Red");
save_option1(save, game_name, player_name, credits);
if (random_number >= 49 && random_number <= 51)
if (color == 2)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 14);
else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Green");
save_option1(save, game_name, player_name, credits);
if (random_number >= 52 && random_number <= 99)
if (color == 3)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 2);
else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Black");
save_option1(save, game_name, player_name, credits);
void win_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int multiplier)
cout << "YOU WON!, Well played " << player_name << "." << endl;
cout << "You won " << credits_played * multiplier << "." << endl;
credits += (credits_played * multiplier) - credits_played;
cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
void lose_option1(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, string correct_color)
cout << "YOU LOST! Correct color is " << correct_color << " . You must try one more time " << player_name << "." << endl;
credits -= credits_played;
cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
if (credits == 0)
cout << "You lose this game :(" << endl;
void p_c()
void save_option1(fstream& save, string& game_name, string player_name, int credits)
save.open("save.txt", ios::out | ios::app);
if (save.good() == true)
cout << "Save you game. Enter game name: ";
cin >> game_name;
save << game_name << endl << player_name << endl << credits << endl;
cout << "The game saved Successfully." << endl;
cout << "Program can't find save file :(";
void reading_from_a_file(string Save[], string Nick[], int Credits[], int& selected_save, string& player_name, int& credits)
cout << "WELCOME IN C++ CASINO AGAIN!" << endl;
cout << "Your save's: " << endl;
std::ifstream save("save.txt");
int i = 0;
while (getline(save >> ws, Save[i]) && getline(save, Nick[i]) && save >> Credits[i] && i < 4)//zamiast 4 dynamika
cout << "[" << i + 1 << "]" << Save[i] << endl;
cout << "Select which save do you want to play: ";//wywali jak się da coś wiecej niż jest savów
cin >> selected_save;
player_name = Nick[selected_save - 1];
credits = Credits[selected_save - 1];
void menu_option2(string player_name, int& credits, int color, int credits_played, int random_number, fstream& save, string game_name, int &selected_save, string Save[], string Nick[], int Credits[])
reading_from_a_file(Save, Nick, Credits, selected_save, player_name, credits);
cout << "Good luck and have fun " << player_name << "." << endl;
cout << "Your credits: " << credits << endl;
cout << "Let's start the game!" << endl;
cout << player_name << " choose color : " << endl;
cout << "1.RED" << endl;
cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
cout << "3.BLACK" << endl;
conditions_color_option(player_name, color);
while (color < 1 || color>3)
cout << "This option dosn't exits!" << endl;
cout << player_name << " choose color : " << endl;
cout << "1.RED" << endl;
cout << "2.GREEN" << endl;
cout << "3.BLUE" << endl;
conditions_color_option(player_name, color);
cout << "How many credits do you want to play? ";
conditions_color_option(player_name, credits_played);
conditions_credits_option(player_name, credits, credits_played);
conditions_result_option2(player_name, credits, credits_played, color, random_number, Save, Nick, Credits, selected_save, game_name, save);
void conditions_result_option2(string player_name, int& credits, int credits_played, int color, int random_number, string Save[], string Nick[], int Credits[], int& selected_save, string game_name, fstream& save)
if (random_number >= 1 && random_number <= 48)
if (color == 1)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 2);
else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Red");
save_option2(save, game_name, player_name, credits, Save, Nick, Credits, selected_save);
if (random_number >= 49 && random_number <= 51)
if (color == 2)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 14);
else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Green");
save_option2(save, game_name, player_name, credits, Save, Nick, Credits, selected_save);
if (random_number >= 52 && random_number <= 99)
if (color == 3)win_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, 2);
else lose_option1(player_name, credits, credits_played, "Black");
save_option2(save, game_name, player_name, credits, Save, Nick, Credits, selected_save);
void save_option2(fstream& save, string game_name, string player_name, int credits, string Save[], string Nick[], int Credits[], int selected_save)
save.open("save.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);
Credits[selected_save - 1] = credits;
if (save.good() == true)
cout << "You are saving game on save - " << Save[selected_save - 1] << "." << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)//zamiast 4 dynamika
save << Save[i] << endl << Nick[i] << endl << Credits[i] << endl;
cout << "Program can't find save file :(";