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Instalacja bootstrapa w aplikacji angular.

Object Storage Arubacloud
0 głosów
530 wizyt
pytanie zadane 28 lipca 2018 w Inne języki przez SandraS Obywatel (1,400 p.)

Próbuję dołaczyć bootstrapa i kicha.
Robiłam z tutorialami i cały czas coś nie działa.
instalowałam przez npm install.
Mój package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "@angular/animations": "^5.2.11",
    "@angular/common": "^5.2.11",
    "@angular/compiler": "^5.2.11",
    "@angular/core": "^5.2.11",
    "@angular/forms": "^5.2.11",
    "@angular/http": "^5.2.11",
    "@angular/platform-browser": "^5.2.11",
    "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "^5.2.11",
    "@angular/router": "^5.2.11",
    "@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap": "2.0.0",
    "@ngrx/core": "^1.2.0",
    "@ngrx/effects": "^5.2.0",
    "@ngrx/store": "^4.1.1",
    "angular-2-local-storage": "^1.0.2",
    "angular-async-local-storage": "^3.1.4",
    "angular2-uuid": "^1.1.1",
    "bootstrap": "^3.3.7",
    "core-js": "^2.5.7",
    "jquery": "^1.9.1",
    "ngx-bootstrap": "^3.0.1",
    "react-redux": "^5.0.7",
    "redux": "^3.7.2",
    "rxjs": "^5.5.11",
    "zone.js": "^0.8.26"

a błąd jaki wywala to:

ERROR in node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/buttons/radio.d.ts(58,96): error TS2315: Type 'ElementRef' is not generic.
node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-input.d.ts(121,67): error TS2315: Type 'ElementRef' is not generic.
node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker.d.ts(115,208): error TS2315: Type 'ElementRef' is not generic.
node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/dropdown/dropdown.d.ts(12,45): error TS2315: Type 'ElementRef' is not generic.
node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/dropdown/dropdown.d.ts(29,45): error TS2315: Type 'ElementRef' is not generic.
node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/dropdown/dropdown.d.ts(37,44): error TS2315: Type 'ElementRef' is not generic.
node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/modal/modal-window.d.ts(14,40): error TS2315: Type 'ElementRef' is not generic.
node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/popover/popover.d.ts(11,27): error TS2315: Type 'ElementRef' is not generic.
node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/popover/popover.d.ts(70,30): error TS2315: Type 'ElementRef' is not generic.
node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/tooltip/tooltip.d.ts(9,27): error TS2315: Type 'ElementRef' is not generic.
node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/tooltip/tooltip.d.ts(54,30): error TS2315: Type 'ElementRef' is not generic.
node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/typeahead/typeahead.d.ts(94,30): error TS2315: Type 'ElementRef' is not generic.

Wg. stack overflow przy tym problemie trzeba zejść do @ng-bootstrap 2.00. Zeszłam, zrobiłam npm install i dostałam:

npm WARN @ngrx/effects@5.2.0 requires a peer of @ngrx/store@^5.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN ajv-keywords@3.2.0 requires a peer of ajv@^6.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN codelyzer@3.2.2 requires a peer of @angular/compiler@^2.3.1 || >=4.0.0-beta <5.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN codelyzer@3.2.2 requires a peer of @angular/core@^2.3.1 || >=4.0.0-beta <5.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN ngx-bootstrap@3.0.1 requires a peer of @angular/common@>=6.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN ngx-bootstrap@3.0.1 requires a peer of @angular/core@>=6.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN react-redux@5.0.7 requires a peer of react@^0.14.0 || ^15.0.0-0 || ^16.0.0-0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN redux-devtools@3.4.1 requires a peer of react@^0.14.9 || ^15.3.0 || ^16.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@2.0.0 requires a peer of @angular/common@^6.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@2.0.0 requires a peer of @angular/core@^6.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@2.0.0 requires a peer of @angular/forms@^6.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@2.0.0 requires a peer of rxjs@^6.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

Podniosłam Angular Cli do 6.0.0 i teraz to nawet apki nie mogę odpalić, wyskakuje:

The Angular CLI configuration format has been changed, and your existing configuration can
be updated automatically by running the following command:

  ng update @angular/cli

robię to ng update @angular/cli i wyskakuje jakiś długi error, zaczynający się od: ,,Error compiling schema, function code: var customRule0 = customRules[0]; var validate = async function(data, dataPath, parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData) { 'use strict';  var vErrors = null;  var errors = 0;      if (rootData === undefined) rootData = data;  if ((data && typeof data === "object" && !Array.isArray(data))) {   if (data.force === undefined) data.force =  false ;   if (data.all === undefined) data.all =  false............(...)



2 odpowiedzi

0 głosów
odpowiedź 28 lipca 2018 przez Tomek Sochacki Ekspert (227,510 p.)
przywrócone 28 lipca 2018 przez Tomek Sochacki

A dodałaś w pliku .angular-cli.json:

"styles": [

czyli style bootstrapa do ogólno dostępnych styli?


0 głosów
odpowiedź 28 lipca 2018 przez plucins Stary wyjadacz (11,110 p.)

jak zainstalujesz bootstrapa to w pliku style.css dodaj sobie 

@import '~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

dodatkowo używasz dwóch bibliotek, które robią to samo 

"ngx-bootstrap": "^3.0.1",
"bootstrap": "^3.3.7",

zdecyduj się na jedną

komentarz 28 lipca 2018 przez SandraS Obywatel (1,400 p.)
Mam tę linijkę :(

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