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Lista dwukierunkowa - rekurencja

VPS Starter Arubacloud
0 głosów
380 wizyt
pytanie zadane 4 maja 2018 w C i C++ przez kikosiak Obywatel (1,010 p.)


Muszę napisać podane funkcję za pomocą rekurencji. Tyle, że nie do końca wiem jak to można zrobić. Mógłby ktoś mi podpowiedzieć jak to zrobić.

Kod oryginalnego programu:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct dll_node
    int data ;
    struct dll_node *prev, * next ;

struct dll_node * create_list ( int data )
    struct dll_node * front = ( struct dll_node *)
                              malloc ( sizeof ( struct dll_node ) ) ;
    if ( NULL != front )
        front -> data = data ;
        front -> prev = front -> next = NULL ;
    return front ;

struct dll_node * insert_front ( struct dll_node *front,
                                 struct dll_node * new_node )
    new_node -> next = front ;
    front -> prev = new_node ;
    return new_node ;

struct dll_node * find_spot ( struct dll_node *front, int data )
    struct dll_node * prev = NULL ;
    while (( NULL != front ) && (front -> data > data ) )
        prev = front ;
        front = front -> next ;
    return prev ;

void insert_after ( struct dll_node *node, struct dll_node * new_node )
    new_node -> prev = node ;
    new_node -> next = node -> next ;
    node ->next -> prev = new_node ;
    node -> next = new_node ;

void insert_back ( struct dll_node *back, struct dll_node * new_node )
    back -> next = new_node ;
    new_node -> prev = back ;

struct dll_node * insert_node ( struct dll_node *front, int data )
    if ( NULL == front )
        return NULL ;

    struct dll_node * new_node = ( struct dll_node *)
                                 malloc ( sizeof ( struct dll_node ) ) ;
    if ( NULL != new_node )
        new_node -> data = data ;
        new_node -> prev = new_node -> next = NULL ;
        if (front -> data <= data )
            return insert_front (front, new_node ) ;
            struct dll_node * node = find_spot (front, data ) ;
            if ( NULL != node -> next )
                insert_after (node, new_node ) ;
                insert_back (node, new_node ) ;
    return front ;

struct dll_node * delete_front ( struct dll_node * front )
    struct dll_node * next = front -> next ;
    if ( NULL != next )
        next -> prev = NULL ;
    free ( front ) ;
    return next ;

struct dll_node * find_node ( struct dll_node *front, int data )

    while (( NULL != front ) && (front -> data != data ) )
        front = front -> next ;
    return front ;

void delete_within ( struct dll_node * node )
    node ->next -> prev = node -> prev ;
    node ->prev -> next = node -> next ;
    free ( node ) ;

void delete_back ( struct dll_node * back )
    back ->prev -> next = NULL ;
    free ( back ) ;

struct dll_node * delete_node ( struct dll_node *front, int data )
    if ( NULL == front )
        return NULL ;

    if (front -> data == data )
        return delete_front ( front ) ;

    struct dll_node * node = find_node (front, data ) ;
    if ( NULL != node )
        if ( NULL != node -> next )
            delete_within ( node ) ;
            delete_back ( node ) ;
    return front ;

void print_list ( struct dll_node * front )
    for (; NULL != front ; front = front -> next )
        printf ("%d ", front -> data ) ;
    printf ("\n") ;

void print_list_backwards ( struct dll_node * front )
    if ( NULL != front )
        for (; NULL != front -> next ; front = front -> next ) ;
        for (; NULL != front ; front = front -> prev )
            printf ("%d ", front -> data ) ;
    printf ("\n") ;

void remove_list ( struct dll_node ** front )
    struct dll_node * next = NULL ;
    while ( NULL != * front )
        next = (* front ) ->next ;
        free (* front ) ;
        * front = next ;

int main ()
    struct dll_node * front = create_list (1) ;
    int i;

    for (i=2; i <5; i++)
        front = insert_node (front, i) ;
    for (i=6; i <10; i++)
        front = insert_node (front, i) ;
    printf (" List elements :\n") ;
    print_list ( front ) ;
    printf (" List elements printed backwards :\n") ;
    print_list_backwards ( front ) ;

    front = insert_node (front, 0) ;
    printf (" List elements after insertion of 0:\n") ;
    print_list ( front ) ;
    front = insert_node (front, 5) ;
    printf (" List elements after insertion of 5:\n") ;
    print_list ( front ) ;
    front = insert_node (front, 7) ;
    printf (" List elements after insertion of 7:\n") ;
    print_list ( front ) ;
    front = insert_node (front, 10) ;
    printf (" List elements after insertion of 10:\n") ;
    print_list ( front ) ;

    front = delete_node (front, 0) ;
    printf (" List elements after deletion of 0:\n") ;
    print_list ( front ) ;
    front = delete_node (front, 1) ;
    printf (" List elements after deletion of 1:\n") ;
    print_list ( front ) ;
    front = delete_node (front, 1) ;
    printf (" List elements after deletion of 1:\n") ;
    print_list ( front ) ;
    front = delete_node (front, 5) ;
    printf (" List elements after deletion of 5:\n") ;
    print_list ( front ) ;
    front = delete_node (front, 7) ;
    printf (" List elements after deletion of 7:\n") ;
    print_list ( front ) ;
    front = delete_node (front, 10) ;
    printf (" List elements after deletion of 10:\n") ;
    print_list ( front ) ;

    remove_list (& front ) ;
    return 0;


1 odpowiedź

0 głosów
odpowiedź 4 maja 2018 przez RafalS VIP (122,820 p.)

Chodzi o to, żeby pętle for w funkcjach listy zamienić na rekurencje. Rozpisałem wypisanie listy przy pomocy rekurencji:

void print_list_recursive(struct dll_node * front)
	if (front != NULL)
		printf("%d ", front->data);
	else {

Reszta będzie wyglądać podobnie, ale jak chcesz to mogę rozpisać.

komentarz 4 maja 2018 przez RafalS VIP (122,820 p.)
Podobnie można rozpisać wypisanie od tyłu i find spot. Wiecej petli w listach nie masz więc to tyle rekurencji.
komentarz 4 maja 2018 przez kikosiak Obywatel (1,010 p.)

A takie coś?

 int add_node(struct list_node **list_pointer, int number)

 if(*list_pointer!=NULL && (*list_pointer)->data<number)
     return add_node(&(*list_pointer)->next,number);
     return create_and_add_node(list_pointer,number);

int create_and_add_node(struct list_node **list_pointer, int number)
 struct list_node *new_node = (struct list_node *) malloc(sizeof(struct list_node));

     return -1;
 new_node->data = number;
 new_node->next = *list_pointer;
 *list_pointer = new_node;
 return 0;


komentarz 4 maja 2018 przez RafalS VIP (122,820 p.)
Jeśli dziala to też spoko rekurnecja. Btw rekurencja jest wolniejsza niz petla i mniej czytelna. Usywaj tylko jesli musisz :p. Akurat tutsj masz rekurnecje ogonowa, ktora zostanie zoptymalizowana przez kompilator do petli, wiec spoko

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