Bardzo proszę o pomoc w wyjaśnieniu czego nie rozumiem z dziedziny szablonów.
Mam do napisania program, który przechowuje bazę danych sieci sklepów z zabawkami. Od kilku dni spędza mi on sen z powiek, bo różne próby przebudowania tego programu kończą się podobną serią błędów, których nie potrafię zlikwidować... Treść plików cpp i hpp bez funkcji main(), komunikat kompilatora oraz link do całego projektu zamieszczam poniżej:
// Name : templateIterator.hpp
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
template <typename T, typename P>
class Iterator {
P* pointer;
short item;
Iterator(P& container) : pointer (&container), item(0) {}
T& operator*() {
return (*pointer)[item];
Iterator& operator++() { // później spróbować bez referencji i gwiazdek
return *this;
Iterator& operator++(int) {
return *this;
Iterator& operator--() {
return *this;
Iterator& operator--(int) {
return *this;
Iterator& operator+(int add) {
item += add;
return *this;
Iterator& operator-(int subtract) {
item -= subtract;
return *this;
Iterator& operator=(const Iterator& another) {
pointer = another.pointer;
item = another.item;
bool operator==(const Iterator& another) {
return (pointer == another.pointer && item == another.item) ? true : false;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& another) {
return !(*this == another);
// Name : templateContainer.hpp
#include "templateIterator.hpp"
template <typename T>
class Container {
T* table;
static const short initial = 5;
unsigned short capacity;
unsigned short quantity;
typedef Iterator<T, Container<T> > iterator;
Container(int cccc) : capacity(initial), quantity(0), table(new T[capacity]) {} // brakuje jedynie argumentów
~Container() {
delete[] table;
Container(const Container& another) {
quantity = another.quantity();
capacity = another.capacity();
if (table != 0)
delete[] table;
table = new T[capacity];
for (unsigned short i = 0 ; i < quantity; i++)
table[i] = another.table[i];
Container& operator=(const Container& another) {
quantity = another.quantity;
capacity = another.quantity;
if (table != NULL)
delete[] table;
table = new T[capacity];
for (unsigned short i = 0 ; i < quantity; i++)
table[i] = another.table[i];
return *this;
T& operator[](int position) const {
return table[position];
void erase(int position) {
for (unsigned short i = position ; i < quantity; i++)
table[i] = table[i+1];
void insert(const T& element, int position) {
if (quantity >= capacity)
T* temp = new T[capacity];
for (unsigned short i = 0; i < position; i++)
temp[i] = table[i];
temp[position] = element;
for (unsigned short i = position + 1; i < capacity; i++)
temp[i] = table[i];
delete[] table;
table = temp;
void push_back(const T& element) {
insert(element, quantity);
void pop_back() {
erase(quantity - 1);
void resize() {
T* temp = new T[capacity];
for (unsigned short i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
temp[i] = table[i];
delete[] table;
table = temp;
void clear() {
quantity = 0;
int getQuantity() {
return quantity;
iterator begin() {
return iterator(*this);
iterator end() {
return iterator(*this) + quantity;
// Iterator it --> invalid use of template-name iterator without an argument list
// int Container::size() --> template <class T> class Container used without template parameters
// Name : entrepreneur.hpp
#include "templateContainer.hpp"
class Toy {
string name;
double price;
int amount;
Toy(string name, double price, int amount);
~Toy() {}
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Toy& toy);
friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, Toy& toy);
class Shop {
string trademark;
string address;
vector<Toy> Toys;
Shop(string trademark, string address);
~Shop() {}
void addToys();
void deleteToy(string name);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Shop& shop);
friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, Shop& shop);
class Chain {
string trademark;
unsigned short amount;
Container<Shop> Shops;
Chain(string trademark);
~Chain() {}
void addShop();
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Chain& chain);
friend istream& operator>>(ostream& in, Chain& chain);
double controlPrice(double value);
void pressKey();
void clearScreen();
// Name : entrepreneur.cpp
#include "entrepreneur.hpp"
Toy::Toy(string name, double price, int amount) : name(name), price(price), amount(amount) {}
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Toy& toy) {
out << left << setw(20) <<;
out << left << setw(7) << toy.price;
out << left << setw(7) << toy.amount;
return out;
Shop::Shop(string trademark, string address) : trademark(trademark), address(address) {}
void Shop::addToys() {
cout << "[ 3] --> Add a toy" << endl << endl;
string name;
double price;
int amount;
cout << "Name: ";
getline(cin, name);
if (name.size() > 20)
do {
cout << "Toy's name can have only 20 letters. Try again: ";
getline(cin, name);
} while (name.size() > 20);
cout << "Price: ";
cin >> price;
if (!cin.good() || price < 0)
do {
cout << "Incorrect data or sub-zero number. Try again: ";
cin >> price;
} while (!cin.good() || price <0);
cout << "Amount: ";
double test;
cin >> test;
if (!cin.good() || test < 0 || test != ceil(test))
do {
cout << "Incorrect data, sub-zero number or floating-point number. Try again: ";
cin >> test;
} while (!cin.good() || test < 0 || test != ceil(test));
amount = int(test);
Toys.push_back(Toy(name, price, amount));
void Shop::deleteToy(string name) {
for (unsigned short i = 0; i < Toys.size(); i++)
if (Toys[i].name == name)
Toys.erase(Toys.begin() + i);
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Shop& shop) {
out << left << setw(20) << shop.trademark;
out << left << setw(40) << shop.address;
return out;
Chain::Chain(string trademark) : trademark(trademark), amount(0) {}
void Chain::addShop() {
cout << "[ 2] --> Add a shop" << endl << endl;
string trademark;
string address;
cout << "Chain's name: ";
getline(cin, trademark);
if (trademark.size() > 20)
do {
cout << "Shop's name can have only 20 letters. Try again: ";
getline(cin, trademark);
} while (trademark.size() > 20);
cout << "Address: ";
getline(cin, address);//
if (address.size() > 40)
do {
cout << "Address of shops can have only 50 letters. Try again: ";
getline(cin, address);
} while (address.size() > 40);
cout << endl << "Press any key to return." << endl;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Chain& chain) {
out << left << setw(20) << chain.trademark;
return out;
void pressKey() {
cout << endl << "Press any key to return." << endl;
void clearScreen() {
printf("\033[2J"); // Screen
printf("\033[0;0f"); // Cursor
||=== Build: Debug in 01 Tester (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.cpp||In constructor 'Chain::Chain(std::string)':|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.cpp|70|error: no matching function for call to 'Container<Shop>::Container()'|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.cpp|70|note: candidates are:|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp|29|note: Container<T>::Container(const Container<T>&) [with T = Shop]|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp|29|note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp|23|note: Container<T>::Container(int) [with T = Shop]|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp|23|note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp||In instantiation of 'void Container<T>::insert(const T&, int) [with T = Shop]':|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp|75|required from 'void Container<T>::push_back(const T&) [with T = Shop]'|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.cpp|92|required from here|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp|64|error: no matching function for call to 'Shop::Shop()'|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp|64|note: candidates are:|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.cpp|19|note: Shop::Shop(std::string, std::string)|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.cpp|19|note: candidate expects 2 arguments, 0 provided|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.hpp|24|note: Shop::Shop(const Shop&)|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.hpp|24|note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp||In instantiation of 'void Container<T>::resize() [with T = Shop]':|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp|63|required from 'void Container<T>::insert(const T&, int) [with T = Shop]'|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp|75|required from 'void Container<T>::push_back(const T&) [with T = Shop]'|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.cpp|92|required from here|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp|84|error: no matching function for call to 'Shop::Shop()'|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\templateContainer.hpp|84|note: candidates are:|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.cpp|19|note: Shop::Shop(std::string, std::string)|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.cpp|19|note: candidate expects 2 arguments, 0 provided|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.hpp|24|note: Shop::Shop(const Shop&)|
E:\01 [C++]\entrepreneur\entrepreneur.hpp|24|note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided|
||=== Build failed: 3 error(s), 7 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===|